Additional courses (preparatory module) to the master course

To access  this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, they must add supplementary classes at the beginning of their Master’s programme in order to obtain the prerequisites for these studies.

FR q1  30h  4 credits      
Olivier Servais

FR q1+q2  45h+20h  7 credits      
Mathieu Berger
, John Cultiaux (compensates Marie Verhoeven)
, Hugues Draelants
, Thibault Fontanari (compensates Olivier Servais)
, Jacinthe Mazzocchetti
, Pierre Jérémie Piolat (compensates Jacinthe Mazzocchetti)
, Saskia Simon (compensates Olivier Servais)

FR q2  30h  4 credits      
Julie Hermesse

Optional LUCLA1000  MOOC Penser critique
FR     5 credits      
Olivier Servais

FR     5 credits      
Pierre Baudewyns

FR   50h  5 credits      
Olivier Servais