Access Requirements

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail

Decree of 7 November 2013 defining the landscape of higher education and the academic organization of studies.

The admission requirements must be met prior to enrolment in the University.

University Bachelors

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCLouvain Bachelors
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies Direct access
Any other bachelorWith the Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome and provided they have studied, in this minor, at least one of the Oriental languages (A and B) for two years and two courses on the civilisation in the same field. Access with additional training With prerequisites integrated into the masters programme (max. 15 credits).

In some cases, the UCLouvain Enrolment Office, after reviewing their online enrolment or re-enrolment application, will ask the students concerned to provide an enrolment authorisation from the faculty/school.
Other Bachelor Access based on application With prerequisites integrated into the masters programme (max. 60 credits). See Additional requirements for admission.
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Languages
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : Arabic Languages
Direct access
Other Bachelor Access based on application Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium
Academische Bachelor in Oosterse talen en culturen Access based on application Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed
Foreign Bachelors
Foreign Bachelor Access based on application Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed

Non university Bachelors

> Find out more about links ( to the university

Only applicable to graduates of higher education institutions of the French Community of Belgium

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
"Licencié" in human sciences Access based on application Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed
Other Master in human sciences Access based on application Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree

Only applicable to graduates of higher education institutions of the French Community of Belgium

Access based on validation of professional experience

> See the website Valorisation des acquis de l'expérience

It is possible to gain admission to all masters courses via the validation of professional experience procedure.

Candidates who do not fulfil the abovementioned admission requirements, but who have duly attested significant experience relevant to the field of study in question, may apply for admission to the programme on the basis of an individualised admission procedure.

For more information on the procedure for admission by validation of learning from experience (VAE) in the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters:

Access based on application

Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

If the students' educational background is incomplete, supplementary classes may be integrated into their master's programme.

Students with a Belgian degree
Students whose previous educational background is not included in the above-mentioned admission requirements may apply for admission according to the procedure described below.

Students with an international degree (EU)
Students whose previous educational background is not included in the above-mentioned admission requirements may apply for admission according to the procedure described below.

Students with an international degree (outside the EU)
Students holding an undergraduate and/or postgraduate degree from a university outside Europe may apply for admission, provided they have obtained at least a 55% (or 11/20) general average for all successful academic years at their home university.
Applications that do not meet this minimum average requirement will be automatically rejected.
However, this may be waived provided that the applicant has duly attested significant professional experience (consult Validation of learning from experience).

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

Requests for further information regarding admission to this Master's programme should be addressed to Ms. Fiorella Flamini, Study Adviser ( of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters.

All applications for admission, enrolment or re-enrolment (from a Belgian or international candidate) must be submitted online to the UCLouvain Enrolment Service (SIC):

If a Faculty's authorisation or derogation is requested by the UCLouvain Enrolment Service (SIC), the request for authorisation must be submitted to the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters, in accordance with the procedure described on the page: