Programme détaillé [60.0]

> Légende
Mandatory Optional
Course not taught in 2020-2021 Periodic course not taught in 2020-2021
Periodic course taught in 2020-2021 Activity with prerequisites
Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...)
Optional Propédeutique (5 credits)
En fonction du parcours antérieur de l'étudiant
Mandatory LEDEV2101 Concepts and methods (UNamur)   75h  5 credits q1
Mandatory Mémoire (16 credits)
Mandatory LEDEV2150 Personal project     16 credits
Mandatory Module Macroeconomics and Trade Policies (20 credits)
Mandatory LEDEV2111 Fluctuations and development (UNamur)   30h  4 credits q1
Mandatory LEDEV2112 Macro-finance and development (UNamur)   30h  4 credits q2
Mandatory LEDEV2121 Economic integration and trade (UNamur)   30h  4 credits q1
Mandatory LEDEV2123 Trade and development: specialization and diversification (UNamur)   30h  4 credits q2
Mandatory LEDEV2130 Seminar in development and macroeconomics policies   Marie Van Overbeke
30h  4 credits q2
Mandatory Module Development and Institutions (24 credits)
Mandatory LEDEV2131 Development and institutions (UNamur)   30h  4 credits q1
Mandatory LEDEV2833 Evaluation of Public Interventions (UNamur)   30h  4 credits q2
Mandatory LEDEV2132 Economic growth and international development   David De La Croix
30h  4 credits q1
Mandatory LECON2825 Poverty and Livelihood Strategies - UNamur   30h  4 credits q1
Mandatory LECON2821 Population, Environment and Governance - UNamur   30h  4 credits q1
Mandatory LEDEV2120 Seminar in development: international migration   Fabio Mariani
30h  4 credits q2