This programme comprises a series of activities totalling 120 credits spread over two years worth 60 credits each. It is structured as follows :
- core subjects programme of 40 credits (compulsory) with the opportunity to do an internship of 40 days in a company;
- professional focus programme 30 credits (compulsory)
- choice of one option course for 30 credits from four available and its complement(s) of 20 credits to choose amongst 4 possibilities. The fifth complement called "CPME" is generalist in nature and may be taken to follow on from any option course.
For a programme-type, and regardless of the focus, options/or elective courses selected, this master will carry a minimum of 120 credits divided over two annual units, corresponding to 60 credits each.
Options courses
> Environmental Technology: Water, Soil, Air > Environmental Technology : Water, Soil, Air (Option 4E) > Complément d'option 4E - Technologies environnementales : eau, sol, air > Filière : Aménagement du territoire > Land Use Planning (Option 5E) > Option's complement 5E - Land Use Planning > Option: Water and Soil Resources > Water and Soil Resources (Option 7E) > Option's complement 7E - Water and soil resources > Option: Analysis and Management of Information in Biological Engineering > Analysis and Management of Information in Biological Engineering (Option 10E - AGI) > OPtion's complement: Analysis and Management of Information in Biological Engineering > Complément à toutes les options - CPME > Business Creation