
sinf2m  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams (https://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/rgee.html). More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

The learning activities are assessed according to the rules of the University (see exam regulations (https://uclouvain.be/en-enseignement-reglements.html)), that is through written and oral exams, personal or group assignments, public presentation of projects and defence of the graduation thesis. For the courses given in English, questions will be expressed in English by the teacher, but the student may choose to answer in French. For the courses given in French, the questions will be expressed in French by the teacher, but the student man ask for help in translation and choose to answer in English. 

Some activities such as projects during the semester under the supervision of the teaching staff and in collaboration with other students are not reorganized outside the period prescribed for the course. They are not re-evaluated at a later session.

Evaluation methods specific to each course are communicated to students by teachers at the beginning of the semester.