Student evaluation on the inter-university programme content will consist of a single oral session of exams per module (from A to F, described above).
An oral defence of the individual piece of work will also be organised and evaluated by an inter-university jury. In order to obtain official recognition by the Ministry of Public Health for the title "person responsible for the conformity of medication products by a pharmaceutical firm", the pharmacist who has obtained his inter-university degree as an industrial pharmacist is obliged to do a 6 months complementary apprenticeship in a pharmaceutical firm in accordance with the
procedures laid down by the Royal Decree of 14 August, 1989.
fari2mc 2018-2019 Bruxelles Woluwe
The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams ( More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.