The objective of this option is to acquaint students with traditional topics in Industrial organisation (microeconomic and game theory, structure and behaviour of firms, strategic interactions) and their application to innovation and information markets, as well as to give them an overview of the interaction between the evolution in economic thinking and the content of the EU competition and sectoral regulatory policies . There is a particular emphasis on the interaction between theoretical and empirical modelling as well as case studies. Learning outcomes comprise an ability to : Understand the specificities of innovation and information markets and the consequences on firms' strategies and public policies, Analyze potential anticompetitive cases and establish an argument using the models in industrial organisation, Explain the rationale of industry regulation and its possible consequence, Perform empirical analyses of an industry using these models and econometric tools. The option prepares students to hold positions in regulatory department of firms, in competition or regulatory authorities, in consultancy firms.
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3 parmi 4 : |
LECON2370 | Industrial Organization and Competition Policy | Johannes Johnen | 30h | 5 credits | 1q |
LECON2372 | Economics of Competition Policy | Elisabeth Van Hecke | 30h | 5 credits | 1q |
LLSMS2041 | Economics of Innovation (in English) | Paul Belleflamme | 30h | 5 credits | 1q |
LECON2864 | Regulation: Theory and Practice | 30h | 5 credits | 1q |