- > Specific Admission Requirements
- > University Bachelors
- > Non university Bachelors
- > Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
- > Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
- > Adults taking up their university training
- > Access on the file
- > Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration
Specific Admission Requirements
University Bachelors | |||
Diploma | Special Requirements | Access | Remarks |
UCLouvain Bachelors | |||
All Bachelor UCL | If he has followed the Minor in Criminology | Direct Access | |
All Bachelor UCL | If he hasn't followed the Minor in Criminology | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits |
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium | |||
All Bachelor | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits | |
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium | |||
Bachelor of Science in de criminologische wetenschappen | Direct Access | ||
Other Bachelor | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits | |
Foreign Bachelors | |||
All Bachelor | Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal | Subject to approval of application Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 60 credits | |
Non university Bachelors | |||
> Find out more about links (https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/passerelles) to the university | |||
Diploma | Access | Remarks | |
BA - infirmier responsable de soins généraux - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60 BA - assistant(e) en psychologie - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 15 et 30 BA - assistant(e) social(e) - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 15 et 30 BA - assistant(e) social(e) - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 15 et 30 BA - conseiller(ère) social(e) - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60 BA - éducateur(trice) spécialisé(e) en accompagnement psycho-éducatif - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60 BA - infirmier responsable de soins généraux - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60 BA de spécialisation en santé communautaire - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45 BA de spécialisation en santé mentale et psychiatrie - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45 BA en communication - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60 BA en droit - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 15 et 30 BA en droit - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 15 et 30 BA en écologie sociale - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60 BA en éducation spécialisée en accompagnement psycho-éducatif - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60 BA en gestion des ressources humaines - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60 BA en gestion des ressources humaines - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60 BA en sciences administratives et gestion publique - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 15 et 30 BA en sciences administratives et gestion publique - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 15 et 30 BA en soins infirmiers - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60 BA en soins infirmiers pour titulaires d'un brevet d'infirmier hospitalier - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60 | Les enseignements supplémentaires éventuels peuvent être consultés dans le module complémentaire. | Type court | |
Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree | |||
Diploma | Special Requirements | Access | Remarks |
"Licenciés" | |||
Every holder of a license or an engineering degree | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits | |
Every holder of a license or a foreign engineering degree | Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal | Subject to approval of application Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 60 credits | |
Masters | |||
Every holder of a Master UCL | If he has followed the Minor in Criminology in the Bachelor programme | Direct Access | |
Every holder of a Master | If he hasn't followed the Minor in Criminology in the Bachelor programme | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits |
Every holder of a foreign Master | Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal | Subject to approval of application Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 60 credits | |
Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree | |||
Adults taking up their university training
> See the website Valorisation des acquis de l'expérience (https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/vae)
It is possible to gain admission to all masters courses via the validation of professional experience procedure.
Access on the file
Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration
- Adults wishing to enhance their personal or professional experience acquired in the field of criminology are encouraged to visit the VAE website or the School of Criminology.
- Candidates of foreign nationality introduce their application to the Registration Department, Place de l'Université, 1 - B 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, as described at: https://uclouvain.be/inscription (https://uclouvain.be/inscription)