> Legend | ||||||||
Annual block | ||||||||
2 | 3 | |||||||
Module obligatoire (15 credits) | ||||||||
LCPME2000 | Venture creation financement and management I | Yves De Rongé , Olivier Giacomin | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LFOPA2010 | Psychologie sociale de l¿éducation et de la formation | Pierre Bouchat | 22.5h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LINFO1101 | Introduction à la programmation | Kim Mens , Siegfried Nijssen , Charles Pecheur | 30h+30h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
Cours au choix
(15 credits)
L'étudiant choisit 15 crédits d'activités parmi les propositions ci-dessous: |
LCOMU1313 | Récit médiatique et journalisme | Philippe Marion | 22.5h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LFOPA2011 | Psychologie du développement et éducation | James Day , Alice De Visscher (compensates James Day) , Laurie Loop (compensates James Day) | 22.5h | 3 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LMPME1301 | Creativity and Innovation | Aline Frankfort | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LMPME1302 | Venture creation financement & management II | Yves De Rongé , Olivier Giacomin | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 1 + 2q | x | ||
LPSP1333 | Psychology, literature and creation | Philippe Lekeuche | 22.5h | 3 credits | 2q | x | x | |
Compléments informatiques | ||||||||
LFIAL1156 | Computer Applications in the Humanities | Aurore François | 15h+15h | 3 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LINFO1103 | Introduction à l'algorithmique | Pierre Dupont | 30h+30h | 6 credits | 2q | x | x | |
LINFO1225 | Conception orientée objet et gestion de données | 30h+30h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x | ||
LINGE1322 | Computer science: Analysis and Design of Information Systems | Jean Vanderdonckt | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x | |
Compléments "recueil et analyse de données" | ||||||||
LHIST1140 | General heuristics | Paul Bertrand | 22.5h+15h | 6 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LPSP1209 | Statistics, inference on one or two variables | Bernadette Govaerts | 22.5h+15h | 4 credits | 1q | x | x | |
Compléments "organisation et management" | ||||||||
LECGE1317 | Critical Analysis of organizations and markets | Joseph Amougou (compensates Matthieu de Nanteuil) , Matthieu de Nanteuil | 30h | 4 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LECGE1321 | Human Management | Patrice Gobert , Emilie Malcourant | 30h+15h | 4 credits | 2q | x | x | |
LSPED1213 | Contemporary issues in development policy: a comparative approach | Joseph Amougou , Joseph Amougou (compensates An Ansoms) , An Ansoms | 30h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x |
Approfondissement en sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication [30.0]
app-lstic100p 2018-2019