Learning outcomes

min-lmap100i  2017-2018 

The primary objective of  the " polytechnic " minors organized by the Faculté des Sciences Appliquées is to allow students taking a baccalaureate in engineering science, if they so wish, to acquire, through a polytechnic major/minor, basic training in two specialist areas of engineering science, and thus to broaden their technical range of skills, or prepare for a master's in engineering science in a domain which spans the various basic courses offered at baccalaureate level.  

The disciplinary objectives of the minor in applied mathematics are to allow the student to acquire training in the basic concepts of the discipline, and, more specifically, to:

  • Acquire basic skills in and knowledge of the fundamental disciplines in applied mathematics (optimization and operational research, algorithm and discrete mathematics, differential equations and dynamic systems, numerical analysis, statistics and probability)  
  • Gain an introduction into how mathematical models for engineering are designed, analyzed implemented in industry and organizations as well as drawing up effective strategies to improve the way such models work

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

  • Acquérir les connaissances et les compétences de base dans les disciplines fondamentales des mathématiques appliquées (optimisation et recherche opérationnelle, algorithmique et mathématiques discrètes, équations différentielles et systèmes dynamiques, analyse numérique, statistiques et probabilités). 

  • S'initier à la conception, l'analyse et la mise en œuvre de modèles mathématiques pour l'ingénierie dans le monde industriel ou organisationnel et pour l'élaboration de stratégies efficace d'optimisation de leur performance.