Minor in Italian Studies

min-lita100i  2017-2018 


The supplementary subject minor in Italian studies offers:

  • an opportunity to deepen and broaden knowledge and skills in different areas of Italian studies;
  • an opportunity to study and gain deeper knowledge of subjects that are complementary to those looked at in the major course;
  • an opportunity to take part in an internship in one of the Italian studies subject areas (ERASMUS in Italy);
  • an opportunity to gain an introduction to research in Italian studies;
  • the cornerstones of the Italian language, starting at level B2 under the Common European Reference Framework for Languages for writing and speaking, and at level C1 for comprehension;
  • a real introduction to Italian studies designed in a spirit of openness and to complement the major subject you have chosen in FIAL;
  • a broadening, via contact with the field of linguistics and culture in the Italian-speaking world, of the particular view and approach used in your major subject, for example in history or the history of art;
  • direct access to the Master in Modern Languages and Literature: General (for students of Modern Languages and Literature: German, Dutch and English), or French and Romance Language and Literature (for students of Modern Languages and Literature: General, with French as a major);
  • an opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to undertake an Erasmus placement in an Italian-speaking country and to read essential critical literature in numerous fields taught in FIAL (musicology, history of art, ancient languages, etc.).