At the end of their training, students in interpreting will be experts in a wide and solid range of knowledge, know-how and skills which they can employ in all aspects of interpreting and thereby communicate all the nuances of a message, formed by an orator in a foreign language, in their mother tongue, French.
Therefore, at the end of their training, students will have:
- developed expertise in their working languages in the practice of interpreting;
- mastered the different interpreting techniques (consecutive and simultaneous) and become able to employ them in communicating messages in a language different to the original while respecting the orator’s intentions and register;
- assimilated a range of thematic (disciplinary) and cultural knowledge which they are capable of employing and completing independently in order to carry out their interpreting assignments;
- mastered all aspects of oral communication, and in particular facility, register and accuracy, to a high level of expertise;
- become able to implement a rigorous scientific and methodological approach to an interpretation problem and thereby improve their service;
- become capable of respectfully and constructively holding discussions and collaborating with speakers and their colleagues;
- consolidated their technical and ethical skills and knowledge through their first professional experiences.
Additionally, students will have developed significant abilities to be adaptive and flexible, which allow them to confront various professional situations. Students will demonstrate tact and self-control at all times and will follow the profession’s ethical code. Students will integrate a continuous developmental logic which allows them to perform as professionals demonstrating high-level expertise and flexibility and develop positively within the context of their work. Additionally, students will be conscious of developing and promoting their professional reputation and launching themselves on the job market.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1.2. Comprendre en profondeur, dans toutes leurs nuances, deux langues C (langues étrangères à partir desquelles on interprète) : atteindre un niveau d’authenticité équivalent à celui d’un locuteur natif dans la compréhension orale et écrite (niveau C2) permettant d’appréhender des sujets et des raisonnements thématiques complexes.
1.3. Maitriser les langues de spécialité, jargons de différentes disciplines (droit, économie, sciences et techniques, relations internationales et questions européennes) dans la compréhension des langues C (niveau C2) et les manier parfaitement dans la langue A (niveau C2+).
1.4. Transmettre dans la langue A le message original exprimé en langues C, en situation d’interprétation consécutive et simultanée :
- en démontrant une maîtrise parfaite de la langue d’expression afin de rendre le message avec aisance ;
- en captant l’essence du discours, se l’appropriant pour restituer le message de façon cohérente, structurée, précise, en rendant toutes les nuances de sens ;
- en rendant compte du cheminement de la pensée de l’auteur ;
- en adaptant la présentation (forme) au public visé dans le respect des intentions poursuivies par l’auteur, selon le registre de communication pertinent ;
- et selon les conventions de communication spécifiques au contexte.
1.5. Actualiser ses connaissances linguistiques.
2.2. Maintain a distance which allows the speech to be analysed in-depth.
2.3. Assimilate theory-based transposition techniques and employ them in practice until they become automatic.
2.4. Independently assimilate new knowledge and know-how and employ them rigorously and effectively in their professional practice.
2.5. Identify and cast a critical eye over new theories in the field (which are the products of research) which are likely to shed light upon and develop their professional practice.
2.6. Effectively use tools and techniques for documentary and terminological research.
2.7. Adapt to new technological developments and incorporate them in their practice.
3.2. Faire preuve d’une connaissance approfondie de la/des cultures propres à chacune des langues de travail dans leurs dimensions historique, géopolitique, économique, juridique, sociale et artistique.
3.3. Détecter les composantes socio-culturelles sous-jacentes à un discours et les transposer de la manière la plus appropriée à travers l’opération d’interprétation.
3.4. Analyser les présupposés, l’implicite, les allusions, les stéréotypes, l’intertextualité d’un discours pour aboutir à une interprétation fidèle du discours source dans tous ses aspects.
4.2. Identify their information and documentation needs on the basis the interpreting assignment to be carried out.
4.3. Develop documentary and terminology research strategies by effectively selecting and using the relevant tools and search engines.
4.4. Demonstrate a critical and rigorous mind-set in the evaluation of sources.
4.5. Acquire the new knowledge necessary and employ it in order to carry out the interpreting assignment.
4.6. Create a network of expert informants and consult them as appropriate.
4.7. Create an effective archive for their own documents and thereby formulate an easily-usable database.
5.2. Produce a review of scientific literature relating to the problem by critically questioning the validity and relevance of the available sources and knowledge.
5.3. Make critical choices of concepts, models and tools which are theoretically and empirically validated and relevant to the problem.
5.4. Employ the identified concepts, models and tools and adapt them as appropriate, or by creating new ones, in order to successfully reflect upon the specific problem.
5.5. Challenge the theoretical concepts and models employed when they are implemented in interpreting or translation practice and thereby cast a critical eye over the interpreting or translation choices.
5.6. Demonstrate an ability to summarize and formulate scientific conclusions.
5.7. Demonstrate diligence and construct theories, tools and/or action plans useful in professional practice as a translator or interpreter.
5.8. Integrate cultural and intercultural aspects connected to the problem being studied throughout the reflection process.
5.9. Demonstrate the specific rigour and quality required in interpreting both in terms of the composition and the presentation.
5.10. Critically identify the challenges linked to recent developments in research which touch upon the different fields of interpreting.
6.2. Communicate so as to establish a sense of trust with the audience, by adopting an appropriate tone and attitude.
6.3. Adapt to the “consumers’” needs, by developing a sense of empathy, without distorting the original context of the speech.
6.4. Demonstrate the flexibility and enthusiasm to adapt to new and immediate communication situations.
6.5. Converse and interact in a respectful and constructive manner with different parties (both from a cultural point of view, as well as from the point of view of their role, the fields in which they practice and the domains where they possess disciplinary expertise):
- by employing verbal and nonverbal communication;
- by demonstrating an ability to listen, open-mindedness, empathy and assertiveness.
6.6. Effectively integrate into and collaborate within a team (in different, multicultural learning and professional situations).
6.7. Interact and collaborate constructively and harmoniously with their colleagues in the interpretation booth in order to ensure a quality service.
7.2. Engage in, make decisions and act in the context of work and with third parties in an independent and responsible manner.
7.3. Cast a critical eye over their knowledge, skills (linguistic and otherwise) and practice.
7.4. Independently put in place methods and opportunities to improve their skills as part of a system of continuing development which is indispensable in order to progress in a positive way in their social and professional environment.
8.2. Be aware of, comply with and apply the legal frameworks and ethical principles governing the interpreting profession (in particular discretion, confidentiality and professional secrecy.
8.3. Be aware of and apply, when providing their services, the profession’s recognised quality standards and not accept an interpreting assignment if there is a risk it will take place in substantive conditions which do not allow for the provision of a quality service.
8.4. Keep themselves informed of developments in the profession and the quality standards.
8.5. Create a position for themselves with reference to their profession and expertise in interpreting, defining the scope of their services and specialisms, developing and promoting their professional image and placing themselves on the job market.
8.6. Demonstrate focus, perseverance, tact and self-control, particularly in stressful situations.