Bachelor in Philosophy

filo1ba  2017-2018  Louvain-la-Neuve

At Louvain-la-Neuve - 180 credits - 3 years - Day schedule - In french
Dissertation/Graduation Project : YES - Internship : NO
Activities in English: NO - Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO
Main study domain : Philosophie
Organized by: Faculté de philosophie, arts et lettres (FIAL)
Programme acronym: FILO1BA - Francophone Certification Framework: 6


By the end of the first cycle, you will have

  • mastered the philosophical concepts and theories ;
  • received multidisciplinary training which fosters adaptability and flexibility ;
  • developed your skills in research, argumentation and writing ;
  • the ability to defend your own ideas and understand those of others ;
  • a good knowledge of a modern language .
Your Profile


  • you are by nature open-minded and curious and are not satisfied by certitudes ;
  • you apply your critical sense and your analysis to the big questions of our time ;
  • you wish to develop your general knowledge and your argumentation skills ;
  • you are thinking about a career in interdisciplinary and multicultural environments where analytical and critical skills are valued.
Your Future Job

In contrast to other studies, those in philosophy do not lead directly to a specific profession, but they develop skills which, through their openness, enable graduates to set their sights on a range of different jobs.

Apart from teaching, there are many other openings for philosophers : jobs in which training in critical skills, the ability to analyse and summarise, breadth of vision and a feeling for argumentation make philosophers highly valued.

Philosophers can be found in politics and diplomacy, the cultural world and the voluntary sector, in the government, trade, industry, journalism and communication.

Your Programme

The programme is designed to enable you to develop the necessary tools to practice philosophy with both a significant historical dimension (reading and commentary of ancient and modern authors) and a practical dimension (analysis of text, comparison of theories, extent of implications), etc.

In the philosophy exercise sessions, you will put the theory you have learnt into practice, you will learn to read and analyse philosophical texts, to present and discuss them as well as writing assignments on them.

Having completed the Bachelor’s degree, you may take the Master’s degree in Philosophy or the Master’s degree in Ethics.