Learning outcomes

filo2m1  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

 The UCL Faculty of Philosophy is mindful of providing its students with a compact programme which will enable them, when it is finished, to take up the challenge of being a responsible citizen and actor in their own right within today’s society.

In order to achieve that aim, students will have the following main virtues:

  •  the ability to examine transforming movements in modern society by applying critical thought to the phenomena embodying them; 
  • the ability to employ the history of thought in the area to better integrate the pioneers of contemporary society into the continuity of human experience; 
  • the ability to assist social actors by calling for responsibility as regards the long term issues arising from these movements; 
  • demonstration of the ability to adapt as well as a plan for continuing development through their capacity to cast a critical and constructive eye over their own actions;

Generally, at the end of the master, students will have acquired a cultivated critical mind-set, and the ability to perform objective analyses and synopses which put the factors which must be considered when approaching a question into perspective. These qualities will be cultivated through exercises in critical thinking and the reading of philosophical texts, and the disciplinary diversity of the subjects taught will engender the “analytical distance” which is typical of philosophy students and very much valued in the job market by different professions (diplomacy, journalism, human resource management, education, etc.).

Holders of a Master in Philosophy will be able to function as responsible, professional actors within society who are both collaborative and creative thanks to a spirit of tolerance, dialogue and the capacity to see the big picture, open-mindedness and sensitivity to various disciplines which characterise their training.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. Demonstrate critical expertise of a high level in various areas, periods and branches of philosophy, interfacing with other disciplines (science, history of art, sociology, ...), ensuring the “adoption of an intention to appropriate knowledge”.

2. Understand and deal with philosophical questions.

3. Create and realize individual research (dissertation) implementing a rigorously scientific, methodological and critical approach in order to go deeper into a philosophical research question.

4. Understand, analyse and discuss questions which are subject to public debate in accordance with a philosophical approach, asserting the relevance of and contributing to the development of responses which are relevant and based upon the point of view of a citizen.

5. Communicate, discuss and hold constructive debates, orally and in writing, with different actors (specialists and non-specialists) involved in a given situation (of philosophical research or public debate).

6. Act as academics and critical and responsible actors demonstrating “analytical distance” based upon a philosophical approach, with a plan for their continuing education.