On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. Analytical skills.
When deploying and economic analysis of specific and often complex issues, the student will be able to
- 1.1. Identify the relevant issues, grasp the essential elements that are necessary to a proper understanding
- 1.2. Identify what makes an economic model useful, in which context it can be used, and be aware of the role of key assumptions underpinning that model
- 1.3 Identify, beyond the specific and diverse real-life problems, the general methods that are relevant to an economic analysis
- 1.4. Conduct a clear and rigorous analytical reasoning
- 1.5 Identify relevant empirical methods to evaluate theoretical and/or practical issues
- 1.6. Select and collect relevant data, assess their limitations, conduct appropriate statistical analysis,
- 1.7 Interpret the results of statistical/econometric analysis and explain the problems and limitations underlying these tools
2. Intellectual and methodological autonomy:
when pursuing an economic analysis of diverse an complex issues , the ESL student will
- 2.1 be aware of the interactions between economic analysis and those stemming from other human and social sciences; and be able to adopt a critical stance vis-à-vis economics in general
- 2.2 be capable to distinguish the positive and normative moments of economic reasoning
- 2.3 be able to propose an original way, grounded in economic reasoning, of solving real-life economic problems
- 2.4 demonstrate an ability to use the tools of economics in innovative ways.
3. Depth knowledge in at least three areas of the economy
- 3.1. Over his student years at ELS student will deepen his/her knowledge in at least three areas of economics: macroeconomics, finance, development economics, international economics, labour economics, social economics, industrial economics, public economics ....
- 3.2 Students following the research track at ESL will have acquired research skills preparing them to attend top PhD programmes in Economics
- 3.3 Students following the didactic/pedagogical track at ESL, will have acquired the skills equipping them to become teachers
4. Communication and relational skills.
- 4.1 communicate effectively in written form,
- 4.2 communicate effectively in oral form,
- 4.3 express his view in a technical language,
- 4.4 express his view in everyday language,
- 4.5 develop collaborative skills and work in a team.
5. Act in a professional and international environment.
- 5.1 adapt and act in a demanding and changing professional world,
- 5.2 work in a multicultural and international environment, where English is the lingua franca,
- 5.3 mobilize its expertise as an economist to advise, manage and run companies, associations and government agencies,
- 5. 4. perform various tasks and have a real ability to influence the evolution of its environment.
1. Develop an economic line of reasoning.
Develop an economic line of reasoning: develop an accurate economic analysis of real-life and often complex problems/issues, implementing a robust scientific approach and using the necessary analytical skills.
1.1. Identify the pertinent issue(s) and summarise the key elements required to understand them.
1.2. Identify and justify what makes a model useful and which context to use it in, particularly by identifying the role of assumptions.
1.3. With regard to real-life issues and their unique features, identify and justify the relevant analytical methods.
1.4. Develop a clear and robust analytical line of thinking.
1.5. Identify and justify the relevant empirical methods to assess and examine theoretical and/or practical issues.
1.6. Collect and select the relevant data, understanding the limits and conducting an appropriate statistical analysis.
1.7. Interpret the results of the statistical analysis, explain the underlying statistical problems and limits and form pertinent conclusions concerning the issues studied.
1.8. Master and use, in a critical manner, tools from a number of branches of economics and question their underlying assumptions and standards.
2. “Problem solver”
Consider, analyse and resolve a real-life and complex socio-economic problem in a pertinent, critical and innovative manner using an approach based on economic reasoning and in interaction with other human sciences disciplines, displaying intellectual and methodological independence.
2.1. Identify and take into consideration the interactions between economic analyses and analyses in other human and social sciences and critically analyse them.
2.2. Develop a critical and unique perspective, distinguishing the positive and normative aspects of economics.
2.3. Suggest an original way of considering and resolving an economic and social problem based on economic reasoning.
2.4. Demonstrate the ability to use economic tools in an innovative manner.
2.5. Examine, analyse and resolve a real-life complex socio-economic problem from a global perspective: “Helicopter view and Strategic Thinking”.
2.6. Develop a critical understanding of 21st-century economic issues and make a positive contribution to the development of all aspects of society.
3. Connaissance approfondie dans au moins trois domaines de l’économie
- 3.1. L'étudiant approfondira ses connaissances dans au moins trois domaines de l'économie: macroéconomie, finance, économie du développement, économie internationale, économie du travail, économie sociale, économie industrielle, économie publique....
- 3.2. En finalité approfondie, l'étudiant sera formé à devenir un chercheur universitaire.
- 3.3. En finalité didactique, l'étudiant sera formé à devenir enseignant.
4. Communication and interpersonal skills
Communicate in French and English in a professional manner, both verbally and in writing, while adapting to the target audience and context, as well as interacting and collaborating respectfully and constructively with the different players involved in a given situation.
4.1. Communicate in writing, in a clear and structured manner, in accordance with the communication standards specific to the context and adapting the communication (content and form) to the target audience and intended purpose.
4.2. Communicate verbally, in a clear and structured manner, in accordance with the communication standards specific to the context and adapting the communication (content and form) to the target audience and intended purpose.
4.3. Put their arguments across pertinently using technical language, according to the audience.
4.4. Put their arguments across pertinently in layman’s terms, according to the audience.
4.5. Integrate and work effectively within a team and with different stakeholders involved in a given situation (in learning and professional contexts (work placement), nationally or internationally).
4.6. Communicate articulately in English, verbally and in writing, in a clear, coherent and well-argued manner on general matters or issues relating to the field of economics, adapting to suit the audience and the context.
5. Agir dans un environnement professionnel et international
L'étudiant, au terme de sa formation, sera
- 5.1. apte à s'adapter et agir dans un monde professionnel exigeant et mouvant,
- 5.2. apte à évoluer dans un environnement international et multiculturel, dont l’anglais est la langue véhiculaire,
- 5.3. capable de mobiliser ses compétences d’économiste pour conseiller, gérer ou diriger des entreprises, associations et organismes publics,
- 5. 4. polyvalent sur le plan professionnel et doté d’une réelle capacité à peser sur l’évolution de son l’environnement?
FA. S’il a suivi la finalité approfondie (recherche),
Développer et acquérir les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour se lancer efficacement dans un projet doctoral ou pour s’orienter vers des carrières professionnelles en recherche ou en consultance de haut niveau.
FA.1. Maîtriser et mobiliser de manière critique des connaissances et compétences spécialisées en microéconomie.
FA.2. Maîtriser et mobiliser de manière critique des connaissances et compétences spécialisées en macroéconomie.
FA.3. Maîtriser et mobiliser de manière critique des connaissances et compétences spécialisées en économétrie.
FA.4. Mener une démarche scientifique aboutissant à la rédaction d’un « research paper » répondant aux exigences d’un article scientifique.
FS. S’il a suivi la finalité spécialisée,
Développer et acquérir les connaissances et compétences d’un économiste capable de participer à la prise de décision dans le secteur privé comme public, tant au niveau local qu’au niveau international.
FS.1. Démontrer une connaissance et une réflexion critique sur l’actualité économique.
FS.2. Intégrer dans leurs analyses des contextes plus larges et la dimension pluridisciplinaire, capable de collaborer avec des spécialistes d’autres disciplines.
FS.3. Développer des compétences propres à une première expérience professionnelle concrète (stage) dont la mobilisation d’acquis universitaires pour agir avec pertinence en situation concrète.
FS.4. Se forger un profil d’expert transversal et polyvalent de questions de la vie économique et sociale sachant appréhender les complexités de multiples terrains.
FD. S’il a suivi la finalité didactique,
Mobiliser les compétences nécessaires pour entamer efficacement le métier d’enseignant du secondaire supérieur, dans le domaine des sciences économiques et sociales, et pouvoir y évoluer positivement.
FD.1. Intervenir en contexte scolaire, en partenariat avec différents acteurs.
FD.2. Enseigner en situations authentiques et variées.
FD.3. Exercer un regard réflexif et se projeter dans une logique de développement continu.
Pour plus de détails, consultez l'Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sociologie, sciences politiques, anthropologie).