Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2016-2017 Periodic courses not taught during 2016-2017 Periodic courses taught during 2016-2017 Activité avec prérequis Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Annual block 1 2 3 Basic scientific training WMDS1100 Physique Bernard Piraux; 80h+40h 10 credits 1q x WMDS1101 Chimie générale et organique Mohamed Ayadim; Benjamin Elias; Jean-Francois Gohy (coord ); 90h+40h 11 credits 1q x Medical training (from understanding cellular processes to studying physiological and psychological processes of the human body) WMDS1102 Biologie et embryologie générale Charles Desmet; Marie-Christine Many (coord ); 50h+20h 6 credits 1q x WDENT1303 Anatomie pathologique générale et bucco-dentaire 1re partie Christine Galant; Etienne Marbaix (coord ); Anne Mourin; 15h+20h 2 credits 2q x WMDS1109 Biologie moléculaire Jean-Francois Collet; Jean-Baptiste Demoulin (coord ); Mark Rider; 60h+20h 7 credits 2q x WMDS1105 Histologie générale Marie-Christine Many; 20h+60h 5 credits 2q x WMDS1103 Anatomie générale et fonctionnelle Catherine Behets; Catherine Behets (compensates Benoît Lengelé); Benoit Lengele (coord ); 45h 5 credits 2q x WDENT1210 Head and neck anatomy and embryology Michele Nicaise; 30h+4h 4 credits 1q x WDENT1213 Histologie des systèmes Marie-Christine Many; 15h+15h 3 credits 1q x WDENT1204 Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire Stefan Constantinescu (coord ); Christophe Pierreux; Donatienne Tyteca; 20h 2 credits 1q x WFARM1212T Eléments de physiologie générale 15h 2 credits 1q x WDENT1254 Physiologie et sémiologie bucco-dentaires Gaetane Leloup (coord ); Julian Leprince; 30h 4 credits 1q x WDENT1330 Microbiologie médicale et bucco-dentaire Michel Delmee (coord ); Benoit Kabamba; Jean Ruelle; Anne Simon; 35h+10h 4 credits 1q x WFARM1282T Microbiologie générale (partim théorie) Thomas Michiels; 20h 2 credits 1q x WDENT1211 Neurosciences : neuroanatomy and neurophysiology Aleksandar Jankovski; Michele Nicaise; 45h+30h 6 credits 2q x WDENT1260 Physiologie humaine Sonia Brichard; Diego CastanaresZapatero; 45h+15h 6 credits 2q x WMDS1212 Biochimie métabolique Jean-Francois Collet; Mark Rider (coord ); Emile Vanschaftingen; 30h 3 credits 1q x WDENT1215 Biochimie humaine Francoise Bontemps; 18h 2 credits 2q x WMDS1227 Pharmacologie générale Emmanuel Hermans; Dominique Lison; Pierre Wallemacq; 20h 2 credits 2q x WDENT1337 Pathologies médicales, 1re partie Patrick Chenu (coord ); Isabelle DeBrauwer; Anne-Catherine Pouleur; 34h 3 credits 1q x WDENT1338 Pathologies médicales, 2e partie Benoit Boland; Patrick Chenu (coord ); Isabelle DeBrauwer; Patrick Depotter; D Hermans; Liliane Marot; Anne-Catherine Pouleur; 36h 4 credits 2q x WSBIM1334D Immunologie générale (partim DENT) Pierre Coulie (coord ); 35h 3 credits 1q x Training in dentistry (examining oral tissues, their physiology and pathologies, and healthcare techniques and biomaterials used) WDENT1284 Prothèse amovible 1ère partie Veronique Brogniez (coord ); Magali Dewaele; 25h+30h 4 credits 2q x WDENT1285 Gnathologie : Occlusion Magali Dewaele (coord ); Laurent Pitance; 15h 2 credits 2q x WDENT1242 Biomatériaux et statistiques expérimentales Magali Dewaele; Gaetane Leloup (coord ); Julian Leprince; 40h+15h 5 credits 2q x WDENT1232 Initiation à la pratique dentaire Julian Leprince (coord ); Severine Mateu-Ramis; Jean-Pierre Vannieuwenhuysen; 10h+70h 4 credits 1 + 2q x WDENT1244 Prévention dentaire Selena Toma; 15h 2 credits 2q x WDENT1391 Cariologie et dentisterie conservatrice Joana Carvalho; Julian Leprince; Jean-Pierre Vannieuwenhuysen (coord ); 45h 4 credits 1q x WDENT1351 Chirurgie générale et bucco-dentaire Daniel Leonard; Raphael Olszewski (coord ); 45h 4 credits 1q x WDENT1320 Prothèse amovible complète Veronique Brogniez (coord ); Magali Dewaele; 20h 2 credits 1q x WDENT1321 Prothèse amovible partielle Veronique Brogniez; Magali Dewaele (coord ); 20h 2 credits 2q x WDENT1322 Prothèse inamovible 1re partie Alain Brabant; 25h 3 credits 1q x WDENT1323 Prothèse inamovible 2e partie Magali Dewaele (coord ); Julian Leprince; 25h 2 credits 2q x WDENT1325 Laboratoire de dentisterie restauratrice et prothétique Alain Brabant (coord ); Veronique Brogniez; Pierre Carsin; Joana Carvalho; Magali Dewaele; Julian Leprince; Severine Mateu-Ramis; Raphael Olszewski; Jean-Pierre Vannieuwenhuysen; 10h+345h 11 credits 1 + 2q x WDENT1335 Parodontologie Selena Toma; 40h+30h 5 credits 2q x WDENT1360 Dentomaxillofacial Imaging & radioprotection Philippe Clapuyt; Philippe Jones; Raphael Olszewski (coord ); 22.5h 3 credits 2q x WDENT1342 Endodontie Pierre Carsin; Philippe Jones; Julian Leprince; Jean-Pierre Vannieuwenhuysen (coord ); 37.5h 5 credits 2q x WDENT1121 Dental anatomy Philippe Jones; Severine Mateu-Ramis; Jean-Pierre Vannieuwenhuysen (coord ); 30h+30h 5 credits 2q x Professional training by practising dentistry in society WMDS1106 Philosophie Bernard Feltz; 30h 3 credits 1q x WMDS1107 Epidémiologie et santé publique Benoit Boland; Jean Macq (coord ); 30h+20h 4 credits 2q x WDENT1108 Eléments de statistiques appliqués à l'épidémiologie et la prévention dentaire Gaetane Leloup (coord ); Jean-Pierre Vannieuwenhuysen; 30h+20h 4 credits 2q x LANGL1856 Medical English for Dentistry students Aurelie Deneumoustier (coord ); 60h 5 credits 1 + 2q x WDENT1333 Psychologie médicale Alain Luts (coord ); Isabelle Maisin; Anne Wintgens; 30h 3 credits 2q x Clinical observations WDENT1233 Stage d'observation et projet professionnel Gaetane Leloup (coord ); Alain Luts; 10h+40h 2 credits 1 + 2q x