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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

General and specific admission requirements for this program must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university..
Any student who is not a bachelor in computer science must fill in an application for admission to the Louvain School of Engineering, stating his detailed curriculum (degree, list of courses followed and grades obtained, year per year). The jury, consulting with the relevant programme commission, decides on the eligibility of the candidate, and may propose a personalised programme to the student, designed to fill any gap in his formation. To this end, the jury can impose to the student up to 60 supplemental crédits.

University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelor in Computer Science   Direct access  
Bachelor in Economics and Management
Bachelor in Mathematics
Bachelor in Engineering : Architecture
Minor in computer science  Access with additional training maximum 60 additional credits integrated into their Master’s degree programme 
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in computer science   Direct access  
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in de informatica   Direct access  
Foreign Bachelors
Bachelor in computer science   Access with additional training The student must fill in an application for admission to the School of Engineering, stating his detailed curriculum (degree, list of courses followed and grades obtained, year per year). The jury, consulting with the relevant programme commission, decides on the eligibility of the candidate, and can propose a personalised programme to the student, designed to fill any gap in his formation. To this end, the jury can impose to the student up to 15 supplemental credits. 

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
The student must fill in an application for admission to the Louvain School of Engineering, stating his detailed curriculum (degree, list of courses followed and grades obtained, year per year). The Louvain School of Engineering, consulting with the relevant programme commission, decides on the eligibility of the candidate, and can propose a personalised programme to the student, designed to fill any gap in his formation. To this end, the jury can impose to the student up to 60 supplemental credits.
> BA en sciences industrielles - type longAccès au master moyennant ajout de maximum 60 crédits d'enseignements supplémentaires obligatoires au programme. Voir 'Module complémentaire'Type long
> BA en informatique de gestion
> BA en informatique et systèmes
Accès au master moyennant ajout de maximum 60 crédits d'enseignements supplémentaires obligatoires au programme. Voir 'Module complémentaire'Type court
> Spécialisation en informatique médicaleAccès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits maxType court

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
"Licencié en informatique"   Direct access  
Master in computer science   Direct access  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel finalités automatisation, électricité, électromécanique, électronique, informatique, mécanique
> MA en sciences industrielles, finalités électronique, informatique
Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits maxType long

> See the website www.uclouvain.be/en-vae

Tous les masters peuvent être accessibles selon la procédure de valorisation des acquis de l'expérience.

Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.
Students may submit an application for admission to the Louvain School of Engineering in which they list their detailed course curriculum (list of course work and marks year by year). The School in collaboration with the relevant programme commission will determine whether the student may be admitted and their decision will respect the programme rules. When necessary, they may suggest an individualised programme consisting of a part of the elective courses in the relevant Master’s degree programme in civil engineering with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits.

The School in collaboration with the relevant programme commission will determine whether the student may be admitted and their decision will respect the programme rules. When necessary, the jury may suggest a programme in keeping with the student’s previous course of study with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits.

Specific procedures :

Any student who does not hold a Bachelor’s degree in computer science must fill out an application for admission for the Louvain School of Engineering, stating their detailed curriculum (degree, list of courses and grades awarded, year by year). The Louvain School of Engineering, consulting with the relevant programme commission, decides on the eligibility of the candidate and may propose a personalised programme for the student, designed to fill any gap in their training. To this end, the Louvain School of Engineering can require that the student take complementary courses. For some students, the Louvain School of Engineering may suggest a one-year bridge year giving access to the Master’s degree programme.