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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

Whatever focus is chosen, the Master in Mathematics gives direct access to the doctorate in science.

In addition there are two specially adapted advanced training programmes for which diplomas may be awarded :

1)  A year of further study at Mol, after the 120 credit Master, enables students to take the English-speaking inter-university programme entitledMaster in nuclear engineering organized by the BNEN (Belgian Nuclear Higher Education Network). (The intensive courses are given in English by lecturers from different Belgian universities at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre at Mol).

2) Students who have successfully completed the Master with a professional focus in medical physics may gain the expert qualification in radiotherapy, medical radiophysics or radiology if they undertake a further year of work placement after the 120 credit Master. This work placement will also include some additional courses required by the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Agence fédérale de contrôle nucléaire). This will cover or provide additional training inthe following subjects (Regulation  article 51.7) :
•  Principles, techniques and quality control in medical imaging
•  Special issues in radioprotection etc.
•  Radiochemistry, radiotoxicology and radiopharmacy
•  Risk assessment for radioactive waste in the environment in both normal and accidental circumstances and emergency plan for nuclear risks.