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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

 Enrolling on the minor

1. Organizational details
Academic in charge: Arnaud Join-Lambert 

Contact person : Pascale Hoffmann

2. Admission to the minor
Not applicable to the minor in theology.

3. Enrolling on the minor and checking the minor enrollment 
Students enroll on the minor in theology in his/her own faculty at the same time as they enroll on BAC2 (Cf: the UCL web page: ).

4. Checks to the minor enrollment
Checks are carried out by the Conseiller aux études (course adviser) from the student's own faculty. 

5. Changes to the minor enrollment
Any changes to the minor enrollment must be presented by the student to the Conseiller aux études (course adviser) from the student's own faculty.


Course times

1. Consulting the course times
Course times for the minor in theology can be consulted after July 15th, 2009.

2. Resolving possible timetable clashes
Should any timetable clashes arise between the student's minor in theology and his/her major in his/her own faculty, the student is invited to make contact with the person in charge of the minor, Prof. Arnaud Join-Lambert.


Enrollment form for minor activities

1. Information on requirements
No requirements for the minor in theology.

2. Enrolling on minor activities
Any student who wishes to enroll on the minor in theology must print out the enrollment form which you can find on the page www.uclouvain.be/13993.html.

3. Obtaining the "visa" from the person in charge of the minor
If the student does not elect to follow the standard minor in theology program and wishes to make up his/her own personalized program, this must be follow consultation with the person in charge of the minor.  


Available support

1. Information on the course service
Please contact the administrative secretariat of the Faculty of theology for more information.

2. Consulting the table of available support for each activity  
Not applicable for the minor in theology


Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams
The student registers for the minor in theology exams according to the procedure laid out by his/her own faculty. S/he should also contact the secretariat of the Faculty of theology in order to register on the list of exam times.

2. Consulting the exam times
The exam timetable as set up by the secretariat of the Faculty of theology can be consulted on the webpage: www.uclouvain.be/teco