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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

 The primary objective of the "polytechnic" minors organized by the Louvain School of Engineering is to offer the possibility to students enrolled in the engineering science bachelor, to acquire, by selecting a major + minor polytechnic combination, basic training in two specialized domains of engineering science, and thus to broaden his or her range of technical skills, or to prepare the student for a master in engineering science in either of these two domains.
  • Master the basic foundations of computer science (programming, algorithms and data structures, computer languages, information systems, …)
  • Analyze and solve medium-sized computing and IT problems by applying and combining the acquired knowledge from different computer science and engineering domains.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
de maîtriser les fondements des matières de base de l'informatique

d'analyser et de résoudre des problèmes (relevant par exemple du domaine de sa majeure) en appliquant les connaissances acquises dans le domaine de l'informatique pour contribuer au développement d'applications logicielles de taille moyenne.