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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

a team of lecturers from different disciplines takes a sectoral approach to the teaching of pathology. This ensures a multidisciplinary approach based on clinical work.

close connection between theoretical and clinical courses and placements enables theoretical teaching to be set in its wider context :  this means that certain concepts take on a different meaning once they have been encountered during the placements.

the wide range of teaching methods are selected on the basis of the skills they are designed to develop. For example,  ‘relationship training’ is carried out through interactive seminars ; training in ‘social and ethical issues in health and medicine’ is undertaken successively through lectures and seminars in small groups where the experience from the placements is reviewed ; developing clinical reasoning skills is done in active learning sessions.

the choices available to students for their individual work enables them to shape their training in the light of their own interests (particularly research and clinical medicine).

combining assessments at the end of each sector and an overall assessment at the end of the year enables students progressively to build on their learning