General and specific admission requirements for this program must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university..
University Bachelors | |||
Diploma | Special Requirements | Access | Remarks |
UCL Bachelors | |||
Bachelor in engineering | A major in mechanics or a minor in mechanical engineering | Direct access | Students who have neither majored nor minored in the field of their civil engineering Master’s degree, must submit a written application in which they list their detailed course curriculum (list of course work and marks year by year) to the programme commission. The commission will then suggest a programme in keeping with the student’s previous course of study with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits. |
Bachelor in engineering | Access with additional training | The jury may admit candidates with excellent academic records and training on the basis of their written application provided that they integrate a maximum of 60 additional credits into their Master’s degree programme. A minor in engineering sciences (mechanics) is considered an advantage for candidates seeking this type of admission. |
Direct access | |||
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium | |||
Bachelor’s degree in engineering sciences, specialization in civil engineering | With specific options in former institution related to mechanics | Direct access | |
Bachelor in engineering | Access with additional training | Students with a Bachelor’s degree in engineering sciences (with a focus on mechanics engineering) who have not taken the equivalent of a minor in mechanics must submit a written application to the mechanics programme commission in which they list their detailed course curriculum (list of course work and marks year by year). The jury will suggest a programme in keeping with the student’s previous course of study with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits. | |
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium | |||
Bachelor’s degree in engineering sciences, specialization in civil engineering | With specific options in former institution related to mechanics | Direct access | |
Bachelor in engineering | Access with additional training | Students who have no specialisation in mechanics must submit a written application to the programme commission in mechanics engineering in which they list their detailed course curriculum (list of course work and marks year by year). The jury will suggest a programme in keeping with the student’s previous course of study with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits. | |
Foreign Bachelors | |||
Bachelor’s degree in engineering sciences, specialization in civil engineering | Bachelors from the Cluster network | Direct access | Conditions imposed on UCL Engineering Bachelor. |
Bachelor in engineering | Other institutions | Access with additional training | Students will submit a written application for admission to EPL in which they list their detailed course curriculum (list of course work and marks year by year). The jury will determine whether the candidate may be admitted according to the regulations. Where necessary the jury may suggest a programme in keeping with the student’s previous course of study with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits. |
Non university Bachelors |
Diploma | Access | Remarks | |
> Find out more about links to the university
> BA en sciences industrielles - type long | Accès au master moyennant ajout de maximum 60 crédits d'enseignements supplémentaires obligatoires au programme. Voir 'Module complémentaire' | Type long | |
Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree |
Diploma | Special Requirements | Access | Remarks |
"Licenciés" | |||
Civil engineers integrated into the corresponding bachelor’s degree program | Direct access | ||
Masters | |||
Masters in engineering | Direct access | ||
Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree |
Diploma | Access | Remarks | |
> Find out more about links to the university
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel (toutes finalités) > MA en sciences industrielles (toutes finalités) | Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits max | Type long |
> See the website
Tous les masters peuvent être accessibles selon la procédure de valorisation des acquis de l'expérience.
Tous les masters peuvent être accessibles selon la procédure de valorisation des acquis de l'expérience.
Consult the site
Admission to all Master’s programmes is based on an assessment of the student’s prior experience.
Admission to all Master’s programmes is based on an assessment of the student’s prior experience.
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.
Students may submit an application for admission to the Louvain School of Engineering in which they list their detailed course curriculum (list of course work and marks year by year). The School in collaboration with the relevant programme commission will determine whether the student may be admitted and their decision will respect the programme rules. When necessary, they may suggest an individualised programme consisting of a part of the elective courses in the relevant Master’s degree programme in civil engineering with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits.
The School in collaboration with the relevant programme commission will determine whether the student may be admitted and their decision will respect the programme rules. When necessary, the jury may suggest a programme in keeping with the student’s previous course of study with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits.
The School in collaboration with the relevant programme commission will determine whether the student may be admitted and their decision will respect the programme rules. When necessary, the jury may suggest a programme in keeping with the student’s previous course of study with the possible addition of a maximum of 15 supplemental credits.