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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

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Mandatory Major
Mandatory General training

Most of the general training courses in the first semester of the first year of the Bachelor¿s programme are common to all students in the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters. This makes it easier to change to another programme in the Faculty at the end of this semester.  

Mandatory LFIAL1120 Methodology and Practice of Academic Discourse   Olivier Depré, Jean-Louis Dufays (coord.), Françoise Van Haeperen 7.5h+30h  4 credits 1q
Mandatory LFIAL1130 Comparative Approach of European Literatures   Paul Deproost, Erica Durante (coord.), Guido Latre, Hubert Roland 30h  3 credits 1q
Mandatory LFIAL1140 Arts and Civilizations   Marco Cavalieri, Alexander Streitberger (coord.), Brigitte Van Wymeersch 30h  3 credits 1q
Mandatory LFIAL1150 Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation I : Antiquity and Middle Ages   Paul Bertrand, Françoise Van Haeperen 30h  3 credits 1q
Mandatory LFIAL1160 Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation I : modern times and the contemporary period   Paul Servais, Laurence Van Ypersele (coord.) 30h  3 credits 1q
Mandatory LFIAL1430A Historical criticism   Laurence Van Ypersele 30h  3 credits 2q
Mandatory LFIAL1530 Introduction to Language Science   Philippe Hambye, Anne-Catherine Simon 30h  3 credits 2q
Mandatory LFIAL1610 Introduction to Philosophy   Jean-Michel Counet 37.5h  4 credits 2q
Mandatory Modern languages and literatures : French
Mandatory LROM1100 History of French Literature from the Middle Ages to the 17th century   Olivier Delsaux (compensates Tania Van Hemelryck), Agnès Guiderdoni, Tania Van Hemelryck 45h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LROM1111 Analysis and Mastery of French Grammar   Michel Francard 7.5h+22.5h  4 credits 1q
Mandatory LROM1230 Critical analysis of Medieval Texts : Ancient French   Craig Baker (compensates Mattia Cavagna), Mattia Cavagna 30h+7.5h  4 credits 2q
Mandatory Ancient Languages and Literatures : Latin
Mandatory LGLOR1142 Grammaire de base du latin   Alain Meurant 22.5h+15h  4 credits 2q
Mandatory LGLOR1143 Latin language and literature II   Lambert Isebaert 22.5h+7.5h  4 credits 2q
Mandatory LGLOR1414 Introduction to studies of the Ancient World I: Classical studies   Jean Lempire, Aline Smeesters 30h+7.5h  3 credits 2q
Mandatory One of following courses

A test is organised at the beginning of the year to establish the level of students who have not taken 4 hours of Latin per week during the last four years of their secondary education.  

Optionnal LFIAL1180 Begining Latin   Alain Meurant 30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Optionnal LFIAL1181 Latin language and literature I  

For the practical exercise sessions, 15 hours, either Classical or Medieval Latin

Eric Delaissé, Paul Deproost (coord.) 30h+15h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory One of the following courses :

The same language must be taken during the whole Bachelor¿s degree course. Students must take one of the five following courses :  

Optionnal LFIAL1710 German language   Caroline Klein 30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Optionnal LFIAL1730 Dutch language   Philippe Hiligsmann, Marie-Catherine Michaux (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann) 30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Optionnal LNEER1250 Dutch: language and culture   Hilde Bosmans, Katrien De Rycke (coord.), Marie-Laurence Lambrecht 30h+30h  5 credits 1 + 2q
Optionnal LANGL1720 English language   Estelle Dagneaux (coord.), Philippe Denis, Céline Gouverneur, Claudine Grommersch, Brigitte Loosen 60h  5 credits 1q
Optionnal LANGL1811 English: Language & Culture   Estelle Dagneaux (coord.), Céline Gouverneur, Claudine Grommersch, Brigitte Loosen 45h  5 credits 1 + 2q