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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams. More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

 Student work is evaluated according to University rules (see the rules for evaluating coursework and exams) namely written and oral exams, laboratory exams, individual or group work, public presentations of projects and theses defences.

In general, student evaluations are done orally depending on the type of course:
  • An oral exam based on material covered in a given course. This oral exam may be coupled with a written exam based on practical exercises. The oral exam provides students with the opportunity to dialogue their professors, allowing the latter to evaluate whether the student can clearly and convincingly present their ideas and argue in their favour.
  • Regarding projects, students must schedule an oral defence of a technical report. During the defence, special attention is paid to students’ communication skills.
  • Some classes assign exercises, which are completed throughout the year allowing for continuous assessment of student work. The exercise results are discussed with each student. It is also expected that students will explain the steps that they took to complete the exercises thereby showing whether they truly understood the relevant concepts.

At the beginning of the semester, professors will explain their marking scheme, which is based on the learning outcomes of the course (that it frequently shares with those of the Master’s degree programme).

For more information on evaluation methods, students may consult the relevant evaluation descriptions.

To obtain a passing grade, the marks received for the teaching units are offset by their respective credits.