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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

 Physical engineers master the physical aspects of how objects function and their interaction with the environment (waves, light, ions, electric and magnetic fields, temperature gradients). Physical engineers have dual training in experiments and simulation. They are capable of using theories and formal representations of objects thanks to numerical simulation tools. They are also capable of carrying out laboratory-based experiments. Their comprehensive understanding of physical properties allows them to make the connection between properties on an atomic scale with those that are macroscopic.

Due to the in-depth study of different fields of physics (material physics, optics, electromagnetics, electronics, mechanics, quantum physics, etc.), the Master’s degree programme in physical engineering (FYAP) prepares students for numerous jobs and specialisations in the industrial sector as well as participation in research-based technological activities.

Physical engineers are called on to resolve technological problems that are often complex and multidisciplinary in nature, linked to the design and creation of materials, devices and systems. They can act as an interface between different professions that use functional materials. They are called on to innovate in a specific technological environment.

Physical engineers systematically take into account constraints, values, rules (both legal and ethical) and economics. Their solid scientific background allows them to be autonomous enough to manage complex industrial projects. They are comfortable working as part of a team and communicating effectively even in English.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1.Demonstrating their mastery of a solid body of knowledge in basic engineering sciences allowing them to understand and solve problems related to technological and industrial applications in the physical sciences.

2.Organise and carry out an engineering process in a high-tech field that requires the use of fundamental tools and concepts in order to solve a particular problem.

3.Organise and carry out a research project to understand a new technological or industrial problem in different areas of applied physics or high tech engineering.

4.Contribute as part of a team to the planning and completion of a project while taking into account its objectives, allocated resources, and constraints.

5.Communicate effectively (speaking or writing in French or a foreign language) with the goal of carrying out assigned projects.

6.Demonstrate rigor, openness and critical and ethical awareness in your work: using the technological and scientific innovations at your disposal validate the socio-technical relevance of a hypothesis or a solution.