Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses taught during 2015-2016 Activité avec prérequis Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Annual block 1 2 WFARM2135 Practical exercises integred of pharmaceutical sciences Laure Elens, Raphaël Frédérick, Joëlle Leclercq (coord.), Giulio Muccioli, Véronique Préat 0h+160h 9 credits 1 + 2q x WFARM2196 Rational therapeutic choices (Introduction to evidence-based medicine and pharmacoeconomy) Bruno Krug, Anne Spinewine 30h+10h 4 credits 1q x WFARM2134 Gestion des situations aigües Eddy Bodart, Caroline Boulouffe, Louis De Canniere, Dominique Vanpee (coord.) 15h 2 credits 1q x x WFARM2241 Pharmacokinetics and clinical biology Laure Elens, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.) 30h+15h 4 credits 1q x WFARM2210 Contact en milieu professionnel (stage 1 mois) N. 4 credits 1q x WFARM2235 PRACTICAL TRAINING IN PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY Fabienne Danhier (compensates Véronique Préat), Véronique Préat 0h+120h 5 credits 1q x WFARM2211 Séminaire de pharmacothérapie intégrée (2e partie) Guy Beuken, Olivia Dalleur, Chantal Dessy, Olivier Feron, Emmanuel Hermans, null SOMEBODY, Françoise Van Bambeke (coord.) 0h+22.5h 2 credits 1q x