The Advanced Master degree in Industrial Pharmacy gives the student all theoretical and practical knowledge to work in the following fields: production, drug quality control and analysis and in the drug approval process, marketing and pharmacovigilance.
This programme comprises theory and practical work in a field chosen by the student (pharmaceutical industry or other bodies or laboratories where the skills of a pharmacist are needed).
The Advanced Master degree in Industrial Pharmacy is the only way to obtain the title of Qualified person (law of the 14th December 2006 regarding drugs used in humans and animals, article 84). For the pharmacist or owners of a degree endowed with equivalent skills, to obtain this title recognized by the Ministry of Health, the Advanced Master degree must be completed by a 6 months experience in one or more pharmaceutical firm(s) owner of an authorization of drug production according to the rules comprised in the Royal decree of the 14th August 1989.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. To master and integrate relevant knowledge in all questions regarding the pharmaceutical industry
1.a to tackle, analyze and work with organic, inorganic, natural, biotechnologically produced substances and radiopharmaceuticals.
1.b to assess pharmacological data and pharmacokinetics related to biologically active compounds.
1.c to engineer a pharmaceutical form with the required physic-chemical characteristics.
1.d to collaborate in the realization of a clinical study.
1.e to understand intellectual property .
1.f to write a drug master file.
1.g to insure that rooms devoted to the production are in accordance with the cleanliness standards .
1.h to release a batch for the drug market.
1.i to solve problems linked to drug production.
2. Scientific approach
2.a To integrate and analyze with criticism different scientific approaches to the design, development, production and marketing of the product.
2.b To be able to plan scientific experiments, to draw statistically valid conclusions and, if necessary, to modify the plan to get the best results.
3. To communicate professionally and adapt the message to different people
3.a to be able to present scientific results.
3.b to communicate in English, the main language in scientific communication in the world.
3.c to deliver a message or clear and specific guidelines to be implemented within the framework of scientific and administrative work.
4. Sense of responsibility
4.a To assume responsibilities in accordance with ethics, laws and best practice.
4.b To stay abreast of new rules and laws issued by various national and international bodies in charge of health.
4.c To be able to manage and lead a group of people, to assign them tasks in the context of scientific and administrative work and checking if the guidelines or procedures have been properly applied.
5. To evaluate, to assess themselves, to update knowledge and continually improve their practice
5.a by training.
5.b by attending scientific conferences.