The 150 credits obtained from the compulsory studies are completed by 30 credits from personalised courses that the student selects from among several options.
From the second year of the Bachelor's programme on, the student may therefore opt for any of the following : (répété! )
From the second year of the Bachelor's programme on, the student may therefore opt for any of the following : (répété! )
- for a collection of options and associated work experience which complements the practical sports training : From audacity in security to climbing - Outdoor Endurance Sports and associated work experience - Nature and physical and sports activities - Racket Sports - Self-defence
- for an ensemble of specific courses in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation (this second optional course possibility also makes it easier for the student to envisage obtaining two diplomas - one in Physical Education and one in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation)
- for an opening in another subject taught at UCL, through the choice of a minor proposed by another UCL faculty, on parallel with the pursuit of the studies in Physical Education. Cette paraphe est répétée! voir ci-dessus.
> Additionnal module in Motor skills
> Mineure en Antiquité : Égypte, Orient, Grèce, Rome
> Mineure en droit (accès)
> Mineure en droit (ouverture)
> Minor in Arabic language and Islamic civilization
> Minor in Chinese studies
> Minor in Criminology
> Minor in Culture and Creation
> Minor in Development and Environment
> Minor in Economics
> Minor in Economics (open)
> Minor in Education (*)
> Minor in European Studies
> Minor in French Studies (*)
> Minor in Gender Studies
> Minor in Geography (*)
> Minor in History
> Minor in History of Art and Archeology
> Minor in Human and Social Sciences
> Minor in Information and Communication (*)
> Minor in Linguistics
> Minor in Literary Studies
> Minor in Mangement (basic knowledge)
> Minor in Medieval Studies
> Minor in Musicology
> Minor in Oriental Studies
> Minor in Philosophy
> Minor in Political Sciences
> Minor in Population and Development Studies
> Minor in Scientific Culture
> Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
> Minor in Statistics
> Minor in Theology
(*) This program is the subject of access criteria