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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

Many Erasmus destinations (second term of second year of the de Master en droit) for the options and focuses in the privileged partnership (fisrt semester of the second year of the Master en droit).

In 2012-L2010, UCL is offering a partnership with 72 different universities.
Depending on the exchange university, the student will take part or all of his programme in English.


Students selected for a one year exchange must take a programme of 9 courses for a total of 45 credits.
They must choose one "professional focus" of 30 credits and a set of optional courses of 15 credits.

  1. Professional focuses
    Three focuses are offered
  • Professional focus "Privaat- en strafrecht": (Student chooses 5 courses from the following)
    • European contract law (6 credits)
    • Aasprakelijkheidesrecht (6 credits)
    • Familiale geschillendrecht (6 credits)
    • Het strafproces (6 credits)
    • Strafrechtelijck sanctierecht (6 credits)
    • European criminal law (6 credits)
    • Bijzonder strafrecht (6 credits- if student has not taken the course in 'droit pénal spécial' in the first year of the Master)
  • Professional focus "Publiekrecht": (Student chooses 5 courses from the following)
    • Federale systemen (6 credits)
    • Instrumentarium van de overheid (6 credits)
    • Rechtsbescherming tegen de overheid (6 credits)
    • Vreemdelingsrecht (6 credits)
    • Onderwijsrecht (6 credits)
    • Milieu- en energierecht (6 credits)
  • Professional focus "Economische recht":
    • Venootschapsrecht (6 credits)
    • Marktrecht (6 credits)
    • Verzekeringsrecht (6 credits)
    • Bank- en effectenrecht (6 credits)
    • Intellectuele rechten (6 credits)
  1. Optional courses
    The student must complete his programme with optional courses, amounting to at least 15 credits:
    • either 4 "aanvullende keuzevakken" of 4 credits each (16 credits) from a list of 30 courses
    • or 3 "aanvullende keuzevakken" of 4 credits each from a list of 30 courses and 1 "reflectiecollege" of 5 credits from a list of 9 courses (17 credits)