General and specific admission requirements for this program must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university..
Il faut apporter la preuve d'une maîtrise suffisante de la langue française (niveau B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence).
University Bachelors | |||
Diploma | Special Requirements | Access | Remarks |
UCL Bachelors | |||
All Bachelor UCL | If he has followed the Minor in Criminology | Direct access | |
All Bachelor UCL | If he hasn't followed the Minor in Criminology | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits |
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium | |||
All Bachelor | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits | |
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium | |||
Bachelor of Science in de criminologische wetenschappen | Direct access | ||
Other Bachelor | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits | |
Foreign Bachelors | |||
All Bachelor | On the file: direct access or access with additional training | Subject to approval of application
Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 60 credits |
Non university Bachelors |
Diploma | Access | Remarks | |
> Find out more about links to the university
> BA - assistant(e) en psychologie (toutes options) > BA - assistant(e) social(e) > BA - conseiller(ère) social(e) > BA - éducateur(trice) spécialisé(e) en accompagnement psycho-éducatif > BA en chimie (toutes finalités) > BA en chimie finalité biochimie > BA en communication > BA en droit > BA en gestion des ressources humaines > BA en sciences administratives et gestion publique > BA en soins infirmiers > BA en soins infirmiers, spécialisation en santé mentale et psychiatrie > BA en écologie sociale > BA-AESI en sciences humaines: histoire, géographie, sciences sociales | Accès au master moyennant ajout de maximum 60 crédits d'enseignements supplémentaires obligatoires au programme. Voir 'Module complémentaire' | Type court | |
Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree |
Diploma | Special Requirements | Access | Remarks |
"Licenciés" | |||
Every holder of a license or an engineering degree | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits | |
Every holder of a license or a foreign engineering degree | On the file: direct access or access with additional training | Subject to approval of application
Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 60 credits |
Masters | |||
Every holder of a Master UCL | If he has followed the Minor in Criminology in the Bachelor programme | Direct access | |
Every holder of a Master | If he hasn't followed the Minor in Criminology in the Bachelor programme | Access with additional training | Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 15 credits |
Every holder of a foreign Master | On the file: direct access or access with additional training | Subject to approval of application
Additional training to be determined depending on the program followed previously: maximum 60 credits |
Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree |
Diploma | Access | Remarks | |
> Find out more about links to the university
> Tout master de l'enseignement supérieur hors université | Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits max | Type long |
> See the website
Tous les masters peuvent être accessibles selon la procédure de valorisation des acquis de l'expérience.
Tous les masters peuvent être accessibles selon la procédure de valorisation des acquis de l'expérience.
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.
Specific procedures :
- Adults wishing to enhance their personal or professional experience acquired in the field of criminology are encouraged to visit the VAE website or the School of Criminology.
- Candidates of foreign nationality introduce their application to the Registration Department, Place de l'Université, 1 - B 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, as described at: