Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses taught during 2015-2016 Activité avec prérequis Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Annual block 1 2 Activités obligatoires (10 credits) LCOMU2610 Internal communication Thierry Bouckaert, Andrea Catellani, Jean-Marie Charpentier, François Lambotte, null SOMEBODY 30h 5 credits 2q x x LCOMU2611 Seminar: analysis of internal communication François Lambotte 15h 5 credits 2q x x Activité au choix (5 credits) LCOMU2223 Langage sonore Thierry De Smedt 22.5h 5 credits 2q x x LCOMU2250 Mediatic Narration Philippe Marion 30h 5 credits 2q x x LCOMU2350 Assessment of organization communication Assaël Adary, Caroline Sauvajol-Rialland 30h 5 credits 2q x x LCOMU2606 nter-cultural communication Alain Reyniers 30h 5 credits 2q x x LCOMU2613 Communication sensible Thierry Bouckaert, Lionel Groetaers, Didier Heiderich 30h 5 credits 1q x x LCOMU2660 Theories in the communication Sector of multimedia Gérard Valenduc 22.5h 5 credits 2q x x LLSMG2010 Psycho-sociology of organizations Thomas Périlleux 30h 5 credits 2q x x LSOC2025 Sociology of Organisations and Organised Action Carine Ollivier (compensates Marc Zune), Marc Zune 30h 5 credits 2q x x