Training based on research
The UCL is a place for teaching and research. The research conducted in the field of Computer Science within the ICTEAM Institute is internationally recognized. Through the options of the Master's program, students benefit from this cutting-edge knowledge in the fields of
- Artificial Intelligence,
- Networking and Security
- or Software Engineering and Systems Programming.
Beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge, training is based on a deep understanding of concepts, reflection and abstraction. These skills enable graduates to adapt quickly to the demands of employers. Furthermore, these studies can be extended to research activities and lead to a PhD.
Concepts to their application
The adaptability of graduates is further enhanced by the importance attributed to the application of concepts in the curriculum. It is inconceivable to master concepts at a theoretical level and not to be able to apply them while facing a practical problem. Therefore, the program contains many projects, assignments, a master’s thesis and the possibility to perform an internship.
International perspective
English is the language most widely used in business and in particular in the technical field. The Master's program is taught in English. It enables non English native students to acquire good skills both oral and written in this language. Furthermore, teaching in English enables to welcome and host foreign students in good conditions, while allowing them to be immersed in a French environment. It also expands the possibilities for exchange programs and joint degrees with well-known universities.
Offering a master's program in English is definitely a position with an international outlook.
Regarding learning outcomes ...
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
demonstrate mastery of a solid body of knowledge in computer science, enabling him to solve problems within its discipline
The master’s program develops
advanced skills in the computer science field. Various areas are addressed in the core curriculum and the student then
specialized through an option:
- Networks and distributed systems;
- Programming languages;
- Software engineering;
- Artificial Intelligence.
organize and carry out every step of the software development process, meeting the generally complex needs of a customer
- analyze the problem or functional requirements, to meet and formulate the corresponding specification.
- model the problem and design one or more original technical solutions that meet these specifications.
- assess and classify solutions in terms of the criteria expressed in the specifications: effectiveness, feasibility, quality, ergonomics and safety to the environment.
- implement and test the solution.
- make recommendations to improve the operational features of the solution.
organize and carry out research to understand a new problem within its discipline
- document and summarize the state of the art in this field.
- propose a modeling and/or an experimental device to simulate and test assumptions about the problem.
- deliver a summary report to explain the theoretical and/or technical potential innovation resulting from this research
contribute in a team, to plan and bring a project to completion, taking into account the objectives, resources and other constraints
- set and explain the objectives of a project (involving performance indicators) in the light of the challenges and constraints that characterize the project environment.
- engage collectively on a work plan, timeline and roles of each team member.
- operate in a multidisciplinary environment, together with colleagues carrying different perspectives, thus managing disagreements or conflicts.
- make decisions as a team when choices are to be made, whether on technical solutions or work organization
communicate, both orally and in writing to carry out the projects entrusted to him in his work environment, and improve its foreign language skills (e.g. French and English)
- clearly identify the needs of the customer or user: ask questions, listen and understand all aspects of the request and not just the technical aspects.
- argue and convince, adapting the language to suit the potential audience: technicians, colleagues, clients, superiors.
- use and interpret graphics and diagrams as an efficient communication medium to present results or to structure information.
- read, analyze and use technical documents (standards, diagrams, user's guides, specifications ...).
- prepare written documents taking into account the contextual requirements and social conventions in this field.
- make persuasive oral presentations using modern communication techniques
demonstrate both rigor, openness, critical thinking and ethics in his work.
- apply the standards in their discipline (terminology, units of measurement, standards of quality and safety ...).
- find solutions that go beyond purely technical issues, integrating sustainable development issues and the ethical dimension of a project.
- demonstrate critical thinking regarding a technical solution to verify its robustness and minimize its risks in relation to the context of its implementation.
- self-assess and individually develop knowledge to remain competent in his field.