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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

 1. Graduate’s outlook (professional expectations)

Professional focus: Sexology

Professional focus: interdisciplinary approach to the family and the couple

To become an expert assisting people experiencing problems in their sex lives, or whose dysfunctional sexual behaviour causes suffering to others, and restores their sexual health: such is the challenge facing graduates of the Master in Family and Sexuality Studies: Professional focus “Sexology” programme. The School of Family and Sexuality Studies (ESFA) at UCL aims to train university clinical sexologists who promote the well-being of people in their sex lives, with respect for others, while interacting with other healthcare professionals.
The students who enrol on this course already hold a Master’s in Psychology or Medicine … (cf. admission requirements), and most of them are already working professionals. They wish to acquire a strong background in the field of sexology. They will utilise their acquired knowledge and experience throughout the programme.
On completion of the Master’s, the graduates will have acquired a broad specialist theoretical foundation in the disciplines related to sexology (in particular, psychology, sociology, biomedicine and law). Using the knowledge and skills acquired during their initial university training, they are capable of understanding and analysing, in accordance with a scientific and multidisciplinary approach, situations related to sexuality in all its complexity, bearing in mind the context. They are able to communicate and interact relevantly and appropriately with the various parties involved in any given situation.
In practical intervention situations, they apply their knowledge and skills in combination with a rigorous interdisciplinary approach to devise and execute a theoretically and empirically justified sexological intervention to assist the individual or couple using the clinical sexology services.
In recognition of their professional responsibility, sexology graduates adopt a critical approach while complying with and applying the deontological and ethical principles related to the practice of clinical sexology.
They question, enhance and consolidate their professional practice by critically reviewing their own work and the theoretical and practical innovations resulting from research that are likely to enlighten the field of clinical sexology and by conversing with other sexologists and healthcare professionals. They will be committed to continuous development, which will allow them to exercise their profession demonstrating expertise, flexibility and an ability to adapt and to evolve in their role.
To become an expert in the field of the couple and the family, with an approach which takes account of sexuality and gender, is the challenge faced by the graduate of the Master in Family and Sexuality Studies, Professional focus “interdisciplinary approach to the family and the couple”. The School of Family and Sexuality Studies (ESFA) at UCL aims to train graduates who promote the well-being of people in their lives as a family or couple; while interacting with professionals from many disciplines at micro, meso and/or macro levels, depending on the situation.
Students who enrol on this course already hold a Bachelor’s degree or a degree from a “Haute Ecole” (as a nurse, social worker, etc.; cf. admission requirements) and are undoubtedly already working professionals. They wish to acquire a university Master’s degree centred around issues related to the couple and the family. They will utilise their acquired knowledge and experience throughout the programme.
On completion of the Master’s, the graduates will have acquired a broad base of knowledge, theories, tools and methods in the different disciplines required to understand the issues related to the field of the couple and the family.
They will use their knowledge and skills to understand, analyse and respond to situations and issues in the field of the couple and the family, in all its complexity:
- using an academic approach centred on analysis and a strict methodology;
- using a multidisciplinary approach, adopting a critical and discerning attitude with regard to the contributions of other disciplines;
- using questioning that takes account of sexuality and gender;
- communicating and interacting relevantly and appropriately with the different actors involved in a given situation;
- taking account of the context;
- complying with deontological and ethical rules;
- proposing courses of action to resolve the situation/problem.
Through their choice of option, the graduates will have directed their training towards either the issue of Gender or the issue of Ethics, or to an additional path to other disciplines.
They question, enhance and consolidate their professional practice by critically reviewing their own work with regard to knowledge resulting from research and by adopting an academic approach. They will be committed to continuous development, which will allow them to exercise their profession demonstrating expertise, flexibility and an ability to adapt and to evolve in their role.


On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

If he/she has selected the professional focus “sexology”, the graduate will have acquired and demonstrated the knowledge and skills referred to below.

Se.1 To master, in a critical manner and using an interdisciplinary approach, a body of knowledge relating to the various disciplines concerned with the practice of sexology, which will enable them to treat the individual or couple suffering from sexual dysfunction.
Se.2 To question, critically analyse and modelise a practical problem in the field of clinical sexology, implementing a scientific approach to devise a relevant course of action.
Se.3 Using an interdisciplinary approach, to develop a sexologically, theoretically and empirically justified intervention to assist someone suffering from sexual problems (or whose dysfunctional sexual behaviour causes suffering to others); to implement this sexological intervention and evaluate its effectiveness.
Se.4 To communicate appropriate, accurate and relevant information to a targeted group and to interact respectfully and constructively with the different actors involved in a given situation.
Se.5 To act as a sexologist while complying with and applying the ethical and deontological principles related to the practice of clinical sexology.
Se.6 To act as a sexologist, using a science-based approach, as a critical and responsible professional committed to continuous development.

If he/she has selected the professional focus “interdisciplinary approach to the family and the couple”, the graduate will have acquired and demonstrated the knowledge and skills referred to below.

FC.1 To master, in a critical manner and using an interdisciplinary approach, a body of knowledge relating to the various disciplines required for an understanding of the issues related to the field of the couple and the family.
FC.2 To create and complete a research project, implementing a rigorous interdisciplinary, scientific and methodological approach, to explore in detail a research question in the field of the couple and the family.
FC.3 Using an academic and interdisciplinary approach, to analyse an issue/situation in the field of the couple and the family in order to formulate courses of action and to intervene effectively, taking account of the context.
FC.4 To communicate appropriate, accurate and relevant information to a targeted group and to interact respectfully and constructively with the different actors involved in a given situation.
FC.5 To act while complying with and applying the ethical and deontological principles related to their practice in the field of the couple and the family.
FC.6 To act as an academic and as a critical and responsible player, committed to continuous development.