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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

Decree of March 31st 2004 defining higher education, favoring its integration in the European framework of higher education and refinancing universities.
The admission requirements have to be met at the time of enrolment at the university.

The mentioned information may of modification for 2014-2015
In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail



General conditions

The teaching certificate of secondary education is accessible to any student who has a Master’s degree issued by the French Community, the Flemish Community or by a technical school. It is also accessible to any student who has a “licence” degree issued by the French Community or the Flemish Community.

To access the teaching certificate, a foreign degree or title will have to be acknowledged as being equivalent to the corresponding Masters’ degree by the French Community of Belgium

Language examination: knowledge of the French language

No student can be admitted to any one year of a Pedagogical Master’s degree if they have not passed an examination attesting to a sufficient knowledge of the French language.

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail

Specific Admission Requirements

The programme is open to all students with the following qualifications:

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Students of the Master's in Modern Languages and Literatures: General who have selected French as their Romance language will, by the end of the course, be fully qualified (titre requis) to teach French as a foreign language and the Germanic language they studied as part of their programme.


Students wishing to enrol in the AESS must have a French Community of Belgium diploma; failing this, they will have to pass a French language proficiency examination to demonstrate that their command of written and spoken French is equivalent to Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (for further information, visit https://uclouvain.be/en/study/inscriptions/language-requirements.html.html).
Students who already have a 120-credit Master's degree with a professional or research focus and wish to obtain a teaching qualification may enrol either for this stand-alone teacher training programme or for the Master's in Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General


 Spécific Admission and Enrolment Procedures for General Registation

Students must enrol with both UCL (Halles Universitaires, Enrolment Office) and their faculty office.
> Enrolment and funding

Extension of enrolment

Teacher training is a one-year programme. However, subject to a number of prerequisites in terms of the chronological organization of the programme and the required timing of certain training activities, students may spread the components of their programme over two academic years. In this case, enrolments are done on a deferred basis in line with the administrative regulations on enrolment and the length of deferral.
All deferred enrolments require students to enrol for 15 credits for each of the two years and to sit the corresponding examinations in one of the official examination sessions during each year. Students are assessed on the first part of the examination at the end of the first year.

Accessible to adults

Some of the courses are available for part-time and evening study. The multidisciplinary courses and seminars are offered in various sequences at different times.
There is a system in place for the accreditation of prior experience (valorisation des acquis de l'expérience - VAE) in teaching or training, which exempts students from certain activities and from some of the teaching practice placements.
The current shortage of teachers in various subjects (mainly science and Germanic languages), provides real and immediate opportunities for people wishing to retrain as teachers after gaining experience in another profession.