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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

First part
An evaluation of knowledge on the "basis" subjects is carried out at the end of the second year. Further to the application of the Royal Decree of 16 March, 1999, at the end of his first two years of training, the candidate will receive an attestation proving that he has successfully accomplished a specific university training course.

Second part
An evaluation of knowledge on the "clinical" subjects corresponding to the higher studies is carried out at the end of the fifth year. By way of reminder, an evaluation of knowledge is carried out on a national level at the end of the fourth year. This aims to test the "clinical" topics corresponding to the studies of the second part of the training course. A dissertation (level of undergraduate, or a publication juged to be equivalent) is required. This will then be defended in public.

Besides this, an attestation of competence in radio-protection and in the basic disciplines (physics of ionizing rays, dosimetry, radiobiology) issued by the University is compulsory to obtain the ministerail recognition allowing the use of ionizing rays in radiotherapy. Upon fulfilment of the above-described training requirements, the teaching committee will award the academic title in radiotherapy-oncology.

This title does not replace official recognition by the ministerial validation committee. It attests to the successful completion of an academic and scientific study programme in the context of specialised training leading to this validation. A Ph.D in medical sciences, orientation : radiotherapy-oncology may be undertaken by the candidates who have obtained more than a 70% score in the exams and who have presented their undergraduate dissertation. This Ph.D (clinical orientation) must be of the standard level required for a Ph.D in terms of its originality and volume of data contained.