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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

 The study paths offered by the various focuses and options (sometimes tagged) give the student more and more opportunities to "take charge of his training" as well as his gradual choices in working life.
The different fields of study in the programme (Linguistics and literature in the three Germanic languages) provide a coherent set of courses.
As for interdisciplinary, the student can include in his programme courses from other disciplines (optional). In the end, the student's choice (geared towards the programme's interdisciplinary courses) will hold sway.

A second strong point is the variety of teaching strategies (including e-learning) : the use of multimedia for courses in foreign languages, the use of the possibilities offered by Icampus, and the balance between more 'lecture-based teaching and one-to-one student guidance..

Also noteworthy are the different learning situation: individual and group work, seminars and tutorials for the dissertation.