Students enrolled on the Bachelor in Economics and Management course are readying themselves to tackle the Master in Economics or Master in Management course.
The Bachelor in Economics and Management programme enables students to acquire, in stages, the knowledge and skills required to undertake:
- either a Master in Management course whose final goal is to enable students “to become socially responsible professionals with a cross-functional approach to management occupations, able to analyse, in a robust and critical manner, the environment in which they are operating and make strategic and operational decisions taking account of the context”.
- or a Master in Economics course whose final goal is to enable students “to become expert players in economic life both locally and internationally, able to (1) develop a robust and critical economic analysis of varied and often complex issues, and (2) apply their economic expertise in their professional and social environments”.
The Bachelor in Economics and Management programme enables students to acquire core knowledge and skills in economics and management, as well as in quantitative methods, human sciences and law, through an active teaching approach based on the study of real socio-economic problems. On completion of the Bachelor in Economics and Management course, graduates will have developed a capacity for robust and critical reflection and analysis in different areas of application of economics and management.
In addition, on successful completion of a Bachelor’s course in the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO), graduates will have developed:
- a multidisciplinary approach enabling them to question, in a substantiated and precise manner, a phenomenon or issue related to the field of human sciences;
- an academic approach based on scientific research and a robust and critical methodology;
- their communication skills in French and two other languages;
- a way of thinking that is respectful of ethical and civic values.
During the three-year Bachelor in Economics and Management programme, students will have demonstrated growing independence. On completion of the Bachelor programme, on account of the knowledge and skills acquired in both economics and management, graduates will be in a position to develop their training projects, which they will pursue either in the Master in Economics programme or in the Master in Management programme, with a view to building a personal and professional project.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
On completion of this programme, graduates, like all Bachelors of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication, will be able to:
AAC1. Demonstrate a command of and apply the fundamental know-how (knowledge, models, theories, concepts) of the discipline(s) at the heart of their course and its areas of application in order to understand human beings in society and all of the relationships, organisations and institutions in which they are involved.
AAC1.1. Demonstrate the acquisition and a critical understanding of an in-depth knowledge base (knowledge, models, theories, concepts) in the discipline (s) for their course (referred to as the “major” at the Louvain-la-Neuve campus) and its areas of application.
AAC1.2. Understand, explain and analyse, in a critical manner and using the discipline’s knowledge base, various issues related to their studies
AAC2. Master and implement the fundamentals of an academic (based on scientific research and rigorous methodology) and epistemological approach to examine in greater detail issues/phenomena related to the discipline(s) involved in their studies.
- Analyse all the knowledge acquired in epistemological terms (AAC2.1. and AAC2.2.).
- Demonstrate command of the fundamentals of a scientific and methodological approach based on rigorous research (AAC2.3. to AAC2.6.).
AAC2.1. Adopt an attitude of critical detachment with regard to knowledge, knowledge-building processes and practices related to the field of their course of study.
AAC2.2. Put up for discussion various paradigms (or conceptual approaches) to approach, interpret and analyse (debate) a phenomenon/issue related to the discipline of their course of studies.
AAC2.3. Identify and select the most appropriate publications and methods (questioning their validity and pertinence) to analyse an issue relating to the discipline(s) of their course of studies.
AAC2.4. Develop a critical and reflective analysis of the information and publications (in French and English) the students will encounter during their time at the university and create a pertinent summary in accordance with the basic rules of scientific communication with regard to the issue studied.
AAC2.5. Display a command of and robustly apply the main qualitative and quantitative methods relating to the discipline(s) of their course of studies.
AAC2.6. Conduct an independent personal study: develop an informed analysis, a logically presented argument and a well-founded personal view.
AAC3. Develop a personal discussion paper drawing on input (theories, concepts, approaches, etc.) from different disciplines to question and discuss in a robust and open manner a phenomenon/issue relating to the field of human sciences.
AAC3.1. Demonstrate knowledge and a critical understanding of the concepts and theories of the main disciplines related to human and social sciences (including: economics, philosophy, law, history, social anthropology, political science and management).
AAC3.2. Approach, question and discuss a phenomenon/issue related to the field of human sciences from multidisciplinary analytical perspectives, adopting a critical and discerning attitude with regard to the limitations of each discipline and their interrelations.
AAC3.3. Demonstrate a command and critical understanding of comprehensive knowledge in discipline(s) other than those related to their course of studies (discipline(s) related to the choice of minor subjects for programmes at Louvain-la-Neuve).
AAC4. Communicate and collaborate, verbally and in writing in French and two other languages, adapting their approach to suit the audience and the context so as to integrate into an international context.
AAC4.1. Communicate verbally and in writing on complex subjects (information, thoughts and conclusions, as well as the underlying knowledge and principles) in a clear, structured and well-argued manner according to the communication standards specific to the context, adapting the presentation to suit the target audience and intended purpose.
AAC4.2. For 2 languages other than French* (English and Dutch or German or Spanish): communicate verbally and in writing in a clear, coherent, fluent and well-argued manner on general topics or on issues related to the field of studies; identify the differences and similarities between the target culture (related to the language in question) and the original culture, and use appropriate strategies to communicate with representatives of the target culture.
* For English (all language competencies), Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.
For Dutch, Spanish or German: some language skills at Level B1 and some at Level B2 of the European Common Framework of Reference.
AAC4.3. Work as part of a team: interact, collaborate and organise themselves efficiently within a team and manage group relationships.
AAC4.4. Communicate effectively and respectfully while tailoring the communication method to the audience (peers, teachers, administrative staff, socio-professional representatives), demonstrating empathy, assertiveness and the listening skills.
AAC5. Act independently as critical and responsible stakeholders observing ethical and civic values, having created their training projects with a view to continuing their personal and professional development.
AAC5.1. Demonstrate independence throughout their training: manage their work independently (define priorities, anticipate and plan their activities in good time), demonstrate critical detachment with regard to their own knowledge, learning methods and achievements and incorporate new knowledge and skills independently according to the situations that arise.
AAC5.2. Apply the acquired knowledge in a critical manner so as to adopt a stance and act responsibly while observing ethical and civic values.
AAC5.3. Develop a training project and move towards an “informed/enlightened” professional project: plan for a Master’s course consistent with the discipline of their course of studies (or if necessary with a logical change of major), having identified the fields in which they intend to pursue their professional careers.
More specifically, as Bachelors of Economics and Management, the students will be able to:
AAS1. Display an active command of a knowledge base in the different disciplines (economics, management, quantitative methods, human sciences and law) essential for the analysis of economics or management issues.
AAS1.1. Display command of a knowledge base, including the fundamental concepts and theories, in those subjects specifically related to economic analysis and management (among others: microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing, finance, human resources and strategy).
AAS1.2. Display command of a knowledge base in the field of human sciences, and more specifically in social and political sciences.
AAS1.4. Display command of a knowledge base in the field of mathematics, of quantitative methods in economics and management and of information technology.
AAS1.5. Display command of a knowledge base in the field of law, and more specifically the legislative rules governing all economic activities.
AAS1.6. Combine knowledge from different disciplines to resolve a simple real-life problem related to economics and management.
AAS2. Adopt a scientific approach, developing a robust argument and using analytical skills specific to economics and management.
AAS2.1. Use robust, clear and structured analytical judgment in applying conceptual frameworks and scientifically well-founded models to describe and analyse a problem, using a relevant paradigm.
AAS2.2. Collect, select and analyse pertinent information using proven statistical processing methods.
AAS2.3. Model a real-life situation using scientifically valid models in a robust and reflective manner, analysing the validation theories.
AAS2.4. Analyse and interpret results or proposals to produce a well-argued critique of an issue related to economics or management.
AAS2.5. Demonstrate analytical ability (validity and pertinence) in the collecting of information sources and accuracy in referencing them.
AAS2.6. Communicate their analyses and results in a professional manner: prepare and deliver oral presentations and professional reports using specialist software and creating relevant charts and graphs, complying with scientific and technical standards, in line with the messages to be communicated.
AAS2.7. Demonstrate diligence at each stage of the scientific process.
AAS3. Develop an economic analysis of diverse socio-economic issues and analyse, incorporating different approaches and ways of thinking, the functioning of an organisation/business.
AAS3.1. Demonstrate command of the fundamental analytical methods in economics and management.
AAS3.2. Demonstrate command of the analytical methods of a number of areas of application of the economy, such as public economics and industrial economics.
AAS3.2. Use economic analysis methods to study diverse socio-economic issues.
AAS3.3. Understand the internal functioning of an organisation/business of limited size and complexity, situate it in its social, political and economic context and identify the strategic issues.
AAS3.4. Use interdisciplinary knowledge in management (combine the concepts of the different areas of management and compare different action rationales), including quantitative knowledge, to understand and model a real-life problem of a business or organisation of limited size and complexity.
AAS3.5. Use specialist software to resolve an economics or management problem.
AAS3.7. Experience the reality of working in a business or organisation through a work placement.
AAS4. Organise and complete a joint project taking account of predefined objectives and constraints.
AAS4.1. Organise the process: as part of a group and according to predefined objectives, plan and develop all stages of a project and work together after dividing up the tasks.
AAS4.2. Contribute to the progress of the project and the success of the team by sharing information and expertise in order to achieve the intended objective.
AAS4.3. Recognise and take into account the diverse viewpoints of team members.
AAS4.4. Become part of a dynamic of change and demonstrate creativity in proposing original and useful ideas.
AAS5. Develop a personal and socially responsible viewpoint, based on reflection and a critical approach to the concepts and methods of economics and management, as well as contemporary social and economic issues.
AAS5.1. Situate debates and schools of thought related to economics and management in a historical perspective.
AAS5.2. Develop an analytical approach with regard to the underlying objectives, paradigms and hypotheses of economics and management.
AAS5.3. Endeavour to develop a well-argued and analytical approach, adopting a personal and socially responsible viewpoint, with regard to the major socio-economic issues of the 21st century.
AAS Study period abroad. If they complete part of their training programme abroad, students will: evolve in an international and multicultural environment, usually in a language other than French, and be open to alternative educational experiences.