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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

(Decree of March 31st 2004 defining higher education, favoring its integration in the European framework of higher education and refinancing universities)
The admission requirements must be met prior to enrolment in the university.

The mentioned information may of modification for 2014-2015
In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail

General conditions

Access to the preparatory year on the basis of a bridging programme: see https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/passerelles/recherchez-vos-passerelles.html

students may be required to take extra courses representing a maximum of 60 additional credits. Where the extra workload exceeds 15 credits, this training is considered to be a preparatory year of study. Access to the preparatory year on the basis of accreditation of prior learning and skills acquired through personal or professional experience :
Article 53 of the Decree of 30 March 2004 stipulates that: “Notwithstanding article 51, without prejudice to article 60, and in accordance with a decision by the academic authorities, for the purpose of granting access to Master’s studies, the competent Examination Board may accredit prior learning and skills acquired by students through their personal or professional experience. This useful experience must correspond to at least five years of activities, excluding years of higher education study that were not passed. At the end of an assessment procedure organized by the academic authorities, the Examination Board will decide whether a student has sufficient knowledge and skills to successfully pursue Master’s studies."

Access to the preparatory year on the basis of accreditation of 180 ECTS credits by the Admissions Board (personalized admission based on application) for students who have a degree from a Belgian university or qualifications obtained abroad (which do not give access to this particular year on the basis of the abovementioned general conditions).

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail

Specific Admission Requirements

Are admitted to the Preparatory year for Master in Criminology :

  1. the following non-university graduates (defined by Decree gateways) in psychology (all options), social worker, counselor, educator in psycho-educational , chemistry (all purposes), chemistry biochemistry purpose, communication, law, management human Resources, Administrative sciences and Public Administration, nursing, nursing specializing in mental health and psychiatry, social ecology, social sciences, history, geography, social sciences,
  2. students , based on their experience or their personal assets (Valuation of acquired experience, VAE), can justify a minimum of five years experience in the field of criminology and could not be admitted directly to the Master in Criminology at the end of an assessment procedure organized by the academic authorities.

Specific Admission and Enrolment Procedures for General Registation

Consultez les informations relatives au règlement des examens et le calendrier académique général de l'UCL.

  1. To register for the preparatory year for Master in Criminology, students must obtain permission from the School of Criminology. To do this, they must submit their application to the admission of the School of Criminology Commission (Place Montesquieu 2 Bte L2.07.01 B - 1348 Louvain -la-Neuve or info-crim@uclouvain.be). This letter must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a copy of the detailed results of all years of studies conducted previously. The admission of the School of Criminology Commission will consider their previous studies and validate any exemptions. 
  2. Students "VAE" must submit their application for admission to the Admissions Committee of the School of Criminology, Place Montesquieu 2 Bte L2.07.01 B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve or info-crim@uclouvain.be. This file must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a copy of the detailed results of all years of studies conducted previously. To register for the preparatory year for Master in Criminology, students must obtain permission from the School of Criminology.

See information about the exam regulations and general academic calendar UCL.