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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

The objective of the training is partly an introduction to the three fundamental aspects of the work of a geographer:

  • to observe and describe the environment, especially with computerized databases and advanced satellite observation technology ;
  • to understand and explain the processes that have been observed, especially by applying models which enable them to be simulated;
  • to learn certain concepts in resource management through land development ;

and partly an introduction to the fundamental concepts of physical climatology:

  • to understand the dynamics of the atmosphere, the ocean and the overall climatological system;
  • to grasp the techniques for modelling the climate, covering both theoretical and technical aspects;
  • to be able to analyse and interpret climatic data.

This twin focus enables students to make a critical analysis of issues related to climate change (past and future and to understand and anticipate their impact on the environment and society so they can become responsible players in the current situation. The Master in Geography : Climatology is also suitable preparation for a doctoral thesis.


On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :





Se préparer à la vie professionnelle


Modéliser les processus observés dans la réalité

Porter un regard critique sur les méthodes utilisées

Intégrer les concepts de différentes disciplines dans une vision cohérente des ressources

Synthétiser et communiquer

Se préparer à la vie professionnelle

7. Communiquer efficacement des résultats, des méthodes à différents types d’acteurs

8. Intervenir dans la gestion des ressources et aborder la vie professionnelle

9. Mobiliser les compétences nécessaires pour réaliser un travail de recherche en climatologie.