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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

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Option course recommended for students taking the teaching focus. Students who elect to take one or more teaching courses in another discipline (other than Latin or Greek) will not be awarded a full qualification but may nevertheless teach these other subjects. However, as far as Latin and Greek are concerned, the full qualification will be awarded.

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Mandatory Preparation and assessment of placements

This work is evenly spread over the two years of the Master programme but will be validated in the second year.  

Mandatory LGLOR9002 Observation and teaching practice in ancient languages and literatures: analysis and preparation   N. 40h  5 credits x x
Mandatory 10 credits chosen from :
Optionnal Design, planning and assessment of teaching and learning practices
Optionnal LROM2317 Seminar on research methodology for French as a foreign or second language   Silvia Lucchini 15h  5 credits 1q x  
Optionnal LROM2610 Analysis of linguistic phenomena and the teaching of French   Philippe Hambye 22.5h  5 credits 2q x  
Optionnal LROM2910 Teaching French to a young immigrant population   Silvia Lucchini 22.5h  5 credits 2q x  
Optionnal LAGRE2221 Learning and teaching with new technologies   Marcel Lebrun 15h+15h  3 credits 1q x  
Optionnal LAGRE2310 Micro-teaching exercises   Pascalia Papadimitriou, Dominique Vandercammen 15h  2 credits 1q x  
Optionnal Teaching course for a 2nd discipline

If students choose to study teaching a 3rd language or another discipline, they are required to undertake 10 hours of placement in this language or discipline.  

Optionnal LROM2950 Didactics and practice of spoken French as the mother tongue  

Prerequisite : minor in French studies

Jean-Louis Dufays 45h+30h  7 credits 1 + 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2940 Didactics of French as a foreign language and interncultural studies  

Prerequisite : minor in French studies

Silvia Lucchini 22.5h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LGERM2523 Dutch as a foreign language methodology  

Prerequisite : minor in Dutch studies

Sara Jonkers 15h+35h  5 credits 1 + 2q x  
Optionnal LGERM2521 German as a foreign language methodology  

Prerequisite : minor in German studies

Henri Bouillon 15h+35h  5 credits 1 + 2q x  
Optionnal LROM2945 Didactics of Spanish  

Prerequisite : minor in Hispanic studies

Geneviève Fabry 7.5h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2946 Didactics of Italian  

Prerequisite : minor in Italian studies

Silvia Lucchini 7.5h+15h  5 credits 1 + 2q x x
Optionnal LARKE2910B Didactics of Art History and Aesthetics  

Prerequisite : minor in History of art and archaeology

N. 45h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LFILO2540B Didactics of philosophy  

Prerequisite : minor in philosophy

N. 45h  5 credits 1q x x