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Study programme 2013-2014

Teaching and training

Active learning and soft skills

You will play an active role in your trainging. The pedagogical approach is a well-balanced mix of lectures, exercises, projects to be carried alone or in a group. The teaching methods vary. At times, you will be led to discover the concepts and techniques independently, the teaching team is then seen as a resource rather at your disposal to support your learning. At other times, teaching is more transmissive and provides the necessary keys to perform later pratrical tasks.

An important place is reserved for non-technical skills (autonomy, organizational skills, time management, communication, etc.).In particular, by putting an emphasis on project activities (including a large-scale project putting the students in a semi-professional situation), the pedagogical approach develops in the students a critical mind capable of designing, modelling, implementing, maintaining and validating complex computing systems.

Foreign languages

Globalisation imposes on any society to open its doors towards foreign markets. Moreover, English is by far the most commonly used language in computer science. The use of English during the entire curriculum allows students to develop their mastery of the English language, which will ease their integration in foreign universities and companies. All course material and supervision are in English but the student can always ask questions or answer his exams in French if desired.

Moreover, the programme allows for attending language courses at the university's Language Institute (ILV) and for taking part in foreign exchange programmes.


Computer sciencist, especially with a master degree, will be brought during his career to project and team management, and he will be concerned by the complex socio-economic context in which computer applications belong. It's therefore suggested to open your training to other disciplines through elective courses or options such as the option in "management" or "creation of small and medium-sized enterprises."