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Study programme 2013-2014

Teaching and training

Parallel to the practical training, the candidate specialist will follow a university course organised as follows :

Part - Foundation studies
The two years of foundation studies consist of :
• theoretical courses : Procedures for operations and surgical techniques, including general pathology, loco-regional and general anaesthetics, ressuscitation and traumatology
• seminars (including 6 hours of training in communication)
• a period of supervised hospital training organised in the services of the training centre

The theoretical sessions of the first two years form part of the specific university training programme (FUS, in French).

part - Higher studies
The four years of higher studies consist of :
• theoretical courses : Traumatic and non traumatic affections of the locomotor mechanisms and surgical procedures
• seminars on orthopaedic surgery and traumatology
• a period of supervised hospital training
• options in anesthesiology, physical medecine, rhumatology and microsurgery, sports medecine or expertise medecine.