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Study programme 2013-2014

Teaching and training

In parallel with the practical training, candidates take a course organized as follows :

Basic training

Three years, full-time, comprising :

  • theoretical teaching
  • seminars
  • supervised clinical training

The theoretical teaching in the first two years forms part of the special university training.

Advanced training

To familiarize candidates with all the aspects and methods of diagnosis and the correct administration of systemic cancer treatments and the management of the risks involved, three years, full-time, comprising :

  • theoretical teaching :

- advanced issues in Cancerology (INTR3870)
- Belgian inter-university course in medical oncology

  • seminars
  • active involvement in multidisciplinary coordination meetings including surgeons,  radiotherapists, anatomopathologists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, radiologists, specialists in nuclear medicine, general doctors, psychologists and dieticians.
  • supervised clinical training
  • training in the design and scientific assessment of clinical trials
  • training in the management of medical data, recording cancers and the use of data from the cancer register