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Study programme 2013-2014

Teaching and training

 Active learning and soft skills


Pedagogy used in the master's program is in the  continuation of the bachelor's program in engineering science: active learning, a balanced mix of group work and individual work, prominence to the development of soft skills, in particular, a pedagogy highlighting project activities (including a large-scale project involving student groups in semi-professional situation).


The student will encounter a variety of pedagogical devices: lectures, projects, exercises, problem-based learning, case studies, industry internships or research, group work, individual assignments, seminars, conferences by industry. This variety of situations will help students to build their knowledge in an iterative and progressive manner, while developing its autonomy, organizational skills, time management, communication skills ...


Foreign languages

Globalisation imposes on any society to open its doors towards foreign markets. Moreover, English is by far the most commonly used language in computer science. The use of English during the entire curriculum allows students to develop their mastery of the English language, which will ease their integration in foreign universities and companies. All course material and supervision are in English but the student can always ask questions or answer his exams in French if desired.

Moreover, the programme allows for attending language courses at the university's Language Institute (ILV) and for taking part in foreign exchange programmes.

The entire program is offered in English, except for the  options in biomedical engineering management and SME creation.


Students are encouraged to open their training to other engineering sciences and technologiesmanagement, human science, ... Computer sciencist, especially with a master degree, will be brought during his career to project and team management, and he will be concerned by the complex socio-economic context in which computer applications belong. He will interact with colleagues carrying different perspectives on the projects. It is therefore imperative to expand his field of vision to other areas than computer science.