Provides first cycle training in Oriental studies, particularly in Oriental languages and civilizations in different areas :
1) Ancient Egypt and the Near East, including the biblical world;
2) Byzantium and the Christian Orient, including the Caucasus;
3) Arabic and Muslim worlds;
4) India and the Far East.
By the end of the Bachelor's degree course, students will have acquired the following skills in the field of their speciality :
1) Ancient Egypt and the Near East, including the biblical world;
2) Byzantium and the Christian Orient, including the Caucasus;
3) Arabic and Muslim worlds;
4) India and the Far East.
By the end of the Bachelor's degree course, students will have acquired the following skills in the field of their speciality :
- command of one or more ancient oriental languages;
- (optionally) command of one or more modern oriental languages;
- ability to undertake philological and literary analysis of oriental texts;
- knowledge of the history and society in a field of the Ancient Orient;
- knowledge of the culture and civilization in a field of the Ancient Orient;
- ability to research and gather academic information.