1. Vision du diplômé
Devenir des professionnels socialement responsables ayant une approche transversale des métiers de la gestion tel est le défi que le diplômé du Master en Sciences de gestion se prépare à relever.
Le master en sciences de gestion est un programme qui développe les compétences et expertises transversales nécessaires aux fonctions de management dans les organisations privées ou publiques, nationales ou internationales, marchandes ou non marchandes.
Au terme de ce programme, le diplômé aura développé (y compris via un stage en entreprise et un échange à l’étranger optionnels) les compétences et les savoir-faire qui leur permettront de maîtriser les enjeux complexes et variés que rencontrent les organisations dans la gestion des métiers et des compétences que ce soit à un niveau stratégique, tactique ou opérationnel. Il se sera également spécialisé dans un ou plusieurs fonctions du management : management humain, marketing, finance, comptabilité, opérations et logistique, e-business ...
Au terme de ce programme, le diplômé sera :
Responsable :
Il est capable de mettre en œuvre des pratiques de management socialement responsables dans des organisations publiques ou privées en y intégrant les enjeux de la concurrence internationale.
Un professionnel :
- Il aura intégré les théories et concepts du management pour une utilisation efficace et maîtrisée dans un univers professionnel ;
- Il est capable de situer les organisations dans leur contexte socio-économique et institutionnel, pour comprendre les interdépendances entre organisation et environnement et les traduire dans les décisions de gestion ;
- Il aura développé une compétence approfondie des fonctions clés du management et de leurs dimensions internationales
- Il est capable de traiter d’une large variété de problème de management en tenant comptes d’environnements économiques, sociaux et politiques divers.
Conscient de la responsabilité propre à sa profession, le diplômé aura intégré une attitude d’acteur critique, capable de prendre des décisions dans des environnements organisationnels, en plaçant les valeurs éthiques et de gestion socialement responsable au cœur de ses préoccupations. Il aura intégré une logique de développement continu qui lui permettra d’être un professionnel faisant preuve de polyvalence, capable de s’adapter et d’évoluer positivement dans son environnement.
2. Le référentiel de compétences
Au terme de ce programme, le diplômé est capable de :
Le profil de sortie du diplômé en Master en Sciences de gestion est défini par le référentiel de compétences de la LSM (www.lsmcompetencyframework.be) avec pour spécificités :
- un bagage disciplinaire centré sur une formation en économie et gestion avec une approche transversales des fonctions de la gestion.
- une priorité donnée aux compétences suivantes :
o Agir en acteur socialement responsable,
o Maitriser des savoirs
o Agir en contexte international et multiculturel
- une possibilité de développer de manière plus approfondie certaines de ces compétences à travers son choix d’options, de tracks, de mémoire, de stage et d’échange.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. Corporate citizenship
Act consciously, aware of their responsibilities, placing human and ethical considerations at the very heart of their thinking and actions.
1.1. Demonstrate independent reasoning, look critically and consciously at acquired knowledge (both academic and common sense) and managerial practices, in light of emerging circumstances and their outcomes.
1.2. Decide and act by incorporating ethical and humanistic values, integrity, respect for the laws and conventions, solidarity and civic action, and sustainable development.
1.3. Decide and act responsibly, while taking into account the social, economic and environmental, sometimes antinomic, outcomes in the short, medium and long term, for the various stakeholders.
2. Knowledge and reasoning
Master an active and integrated command of a multidisciplinary body of knowledge (content, methods, models, conceptual frameworks) essential to act expertly in the various areas of management.
2.1. Master the core knowledge of each area of management.
2.2. Master highly specific knowledge in one or two areas of management: advanced and current research-based knowledge and methods.
2.3. Articulate the acquired knowledge from different areas of management.
2.4. Activate and apply the acquired knowledge accordingly to solve a problem.
2.5. Contribute to the development and advancement of the management field.
3. A scientific and systematic approach
Analyze and resolve problems in multidisciplinary and complex management situations using a scientific and systematic approach.
3.1. Conduct a clear, structured, analytical reasoning by applying, and eventually adapting, scientifically based conceptual frameworks and models, to define and analyze a problem.
3.2. Collect, select and analyze relevant information using rigorous, advanced and appropriate methods.
3.3. Consider problems using a systemic and holistic approach: recognize the different aspects of the situation and their interactions in a dynamic process.
3.4. Perceptively synthesize the essential elements of a situation, demonstrating a certain conceptual distance, to diagnose and identify pertinent conclusions.
3.5. Produce, through analysis and diagnosis, implementable solutions in context and identify priorities for action.
4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovate, develops entrepreneurial capacities and lead change.
4.1. Identify new opportunities, propose creative and useful ideas; in situations that require new strategic approaches, break with existing models and paradigms, promote progress and change.
4.2. Undertake, develop and implement ideas around a new product, service, process or organizational structure, having evaluated the risks and remain pragmatic.
4.3. Integrate, collaborate and actively drive forward collective actions for change, and diffuse for social awareness.
4.4. Reflect on and improve the content, processes and goals of professional practices.
5. Work effectively in an international and multicultural environment
Work as an interface between stakeholders with different rationales, belief systems, training, nationalities, cultures...
5.1. Understand the inner workings of an organization: develop a global approach and integrate the internal logic used, within the organization.
5.2. Position and understand the functioning of an organization, in its local and international socio-economic dimensions and identify the associated strategic issues and operational decisions.
5.3. Understand and establish their own role and scope for action, in the overall operation of the organization, while liaising with the various internal and external stakeholders.
6. Teamwork and leadership
Integrate and work in a team; exercise enlightened leadership within the group.
6.1. Work in a team: join in and collaborate with team members. Be open and take into consideration the different points of view and ways of thinking, manage differences and conflicts constructively, accept diversity.
6.2. Exercise enlightened leadership skills: unite and motivate different team members, identify, draw on and develop their skills and talents, guide them towards achieving a common goal, while adapting to time constraints and the changing environment.
7. Project management
Define and manage a project to completion, taking into account the objectives, resources and constraints that characterize the project environment.
7.1. Analyse a project within its environment and define the expected outcomes: identify what is at stake, the required outcomes and the environmental constraints; clearly define the project objectives and associate the performance indicators.
7.2. Organize, manage and control the process: structure and schedule the tasks, identify and allocate human and material resources, coordinate, delegate and supervise the tasks; take into account the anticipated constraints and risks.
7.3. Make decisions and take responsibility for them in an uncertain world: take initiatives and act, anticipate and be proactive, show discernment and good judgment and be prepared to make quick decisions, taking into account multiple factors and uncertainties; accept the risks and consequences of decisions.
8. Communication and interpersonal skills
Communicate, converse effectively and convincingly with the stakeholders.
8.1. Express a clear and structured message, both orally and in writing in their mother tongue, in English and ideally, in a third language, adapted to the audience and using context specific communication standards.
8.2. Interact and discuss effectively and respectfully with diverse stakeholders (supervisors, peers, colleagues, clients ...) in face-to-face and group contexts, using both verbal and nonverbal communication skills: demonstrate the ability to listen, empathize, be assertive, provide and accept constructive criticism.
8.3. Convince and negotiate: understand the needs and viewpoints of others, put forward their reasoning in an appropriate, relevant and convincing manner, able to bring out points of agreement, even in antagonistic situations.
9. Personal and professional development
Display self-knowledge and independence, able to adapt quickly to new situations and involve positively.
9.1. Independent self-starter: set priorities, anticipate and plan work activities within time constraints, rigorous, structured and thorough, even in changing, uncertain environments or crisis.
9.2. Self-awareness and self-control: be aware of and manage their own emotions, able to be objective about their work and behaviour, and recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, accept them and use them in a professional manner.
9.3. Self-motivation: be capable of creating a project in line with their own values and aspirations, confident and motivated in managing the implementation of the project, and persevere in difficult situations.
9.4. Quick study, lifelong learner: quickly and independently assimilate new information and skills needed to evolve in their professional environment, learn from successes and errors in the spirit of lifelong learning.