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Study programme 2013-2014

Teaching and training

  • The Master’s of Architecture programme totals 120 credits divided over two years of study corresponding to 60 credits each.
  • It consists of mandatory activities totalling 100 credits, including the professional focus for 30 credits.
  • Each student selects a total of 20 credits from among the option courses on offer: 8 credits in Master’s 1, and 12 credits in Master’s 2. Amongst these optional courses, some corresponding to 6 credits (2 credits in Master’s 1 and 4 credits in Master’s 2), are related to the selection of one of the three in-depth studies carried out at the start of Master’s 1. The remaining optional courses can be chosen freely.

In fact, during the Master’s degree, three in-depth studies are offered to the students. These offer opportunities to focus on a particular component of architecture and its practice, without in any way undermining our awareness of the inseparability and simultaneity of all the dimensions of architecture.

Each student has to choose an in-depth study at the start of Master’s 1 which will remain theirs for the duration of the two years of the Master’s.
The three studies proposed cover issues which are crucial for the future of architecture:

  • Architectonics (Integrating the constructive culture into architectural design)
  • Heritage (Improving existing buildings through contemporary intervention)
  • Territories (The structure and configuration of the landscape and urban spaces)

For each of the studies, some specialist studio sessions are proposed.

The programme for this Master’s, whatever the focus or options chosen, is a minimum of 120 credits divided over two years of study, each corresponding to 60 credits.

Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalize 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits.