Core courses
Legend | | Mandatory | | Optional | | Courses not taught this academic year | | Periodic courses not taught this academic year | | Periodic courses taught this academic year | | Two year courses |
| Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) | | |
| Year | | 1 | Pour les étudiants ayant déjà suivi, dans leur programme de bachelier, des cours équivalents, les cours obligatoires ci-dessous, seront remplacés par des cours avancés en français et en anglais, choisis parmi les cours du Master 120 en Sciences de gestion, avec accord du responsable de programme. | LLSMG2000
| Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis | Karine Cerrada Cristia | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2001
| Finance | Giorgio Tesolin | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2002
| Marketing | Chantal de Moerloose | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2003
| Operational Research | Guy Keymolen | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2004
| Human Resources Management | Evelyne Léonard | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2006
| Strategic Management | Guilhem Bascle, André de Béthune | 30h | 5credits | | x | Responsabilité sociale
1 cours parmi | LLSMS2097
| Corporate Socal Responsability | Valérie Swaen | 30h | 5credits | | x | LESPO2212
| Social responsibility in Economic life | Axel Gosseries | 15h | 5credits | 1q | x | Cours au choix
2 cours parmi : | LLSMG2008
| IT Management | Jean Vanderdonckt | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2009
| Integrated Logistics | Per Joakim Agrell, Guy Keymolen | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2010
| Psycho-sociology of organizations | Thomas Périlleux | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2011
| Law foundations | Werner Derycke | 30h | 5credits | | x | LLSMG2005
| Cost Management | Gerrit Sarens | 30h | 5credits | | x | Travail de fin d'études
| LLSMD2951
| Final paper and seminar | N. | | 15credits | | x | |