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Core courses

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Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

25 course credits and 15 credits for individual final project :

MandatoryIndividual final project (15credits)
Mandatory LGERM2998

Individual final project N. 15credits  x

MandatoryTwo interactive skills courses according to the languages chosen : (10credits)
Optional LGERM2710

Interactive Competence in German : Academic German Henri Bouillon15h + 15h 5credits 1+2q x
Optional LGERM2720

Interactive Competence in English : English for academic purposes Fanny Meunier15h + 15h 5credits 1+2q x
Optional LGERM2730

Interactive Competence in Dutch : Academic Dutch Ludovic Beheydt15h + 15h 5credits 1+2q x

MandatoryThree optional courses according to the languages chosen : (15credits)
At least one linguistics course and one literature course :
Optional LGERM2711

German Linguistics: Syntax and Morphology of the German Verb Joachim Sabel22.5h 5credits 1q x
Optional LGERM2829

English Linguistics : Corpus Linguistics Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Sylviane Granger (coord.)22.5h 5credits 1q x
Optional LGERM2731

Dutch linguistics : current trends Ludovic Beheydt22.5h 5credits 2q x
Optional LGERM2712

German literature: modern literature. Concepts and texts Antje Büssgen22.5h 5credits 2q x
Optional LGERM2722

English literature and the other languages  Guido Latre22.5h 5credits 1q x
Optional LGERM2732

Dutch literature: Contemporary Dutch literature Stéphanie Vanasten22.5h 5credits 2q x
| 28/01/2009 |