Political sciences seeks to understand and analyse political and public life. The discipline focuses on two elements:
- understanding public life, power games and legitimacy, the organisation of local to regional, and national to international government;
- mastering the analytical tools that make it possible to act on the operating modes of implemented policies.
Political sciences as a subject is more focused on the understanding and management of Belgian and foreign political models, while public administration is more concerned with the way in which public management bodies, including European bodies, are administered.
Teaching on political sciences and public administration aims to equip students conceptually and operationally, allowing them to identify the constraints that govern collective decision-making and to be able to act in this world rationally, effectively and fairly.
Three additional aims are pursued:
- the first relates to the development of analytical skills, critical perspective, creativity;
- the second relates to understanding our society and the events taking place today that will help shape our future;
- the third focuses on the techniques that provide access to analysis and support action.
The Master’s [60] in Political Sciences includes core courses for 45 credits focusing on political sciences, international relations and public policy. The final dissertation accounts for the remaining 15 credits.
There are numerous opportunities for internships and travel abroad, in Europe or elsewhere, easing the student’s integration into the workplace. Courses are also taught in foreign languages by visiting professors.